Rational® XDE TesterRobotJ
Installation Guide

Version 2003.06.00

Copyright © 2002 2003 Rational Software and its subsidiaries Corporation. All rights reserved.

This documentation (the “Work”) is protected under the copyright laws of the United States and/or other jurisdictions, as well as various international treaties.  Any reproduction or distribution of the Work is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Rational Software Corporation.


About This Guide. 3

Understanding XDE Tester Product Packaging and Integrations. 3

Before You Install 4

Pre-installation Steps for Remote Playback. 5

Removing Previous Versions of Rational Software. 5

Licensing. 5

Installing XDE Tester 5

Using the Rational Setup Wizard. 5

Completing the Installation from a CD- ROM Image. 6

Creating and Completing the Installation from a Release Area. 7

Canceling an Installation. 9

Reinstalling XDE Tester 9

After You Install XDE Tester 9

Installing and Starting Rational Test Agents. 9

Working with Windows Test Agents. 9

Installing a Windows Agent 9

Starting a Windows Agent 10

Working with Linux Agents. 10

Installing a Linux Agent 10

Starting a Linux Agent 11

Removing a Linux Agent 12

Enabling Environments. 12

Configuring Applications. 12

Setting Up ClearCase. 13

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on Windows. 14

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on UNIX. 16

Upgrading from RobotJ to XDE Tester 16

Rational Test Datastore. 17

RobotJ Assets. 17

Re-enabling. 17

Contacting Rational Customer Support 19


About This Guide

This guide provides the information required for installing Rational® XDE Tester, both for new users and for users upgrading from RobotJRobotJ. All installers must be familiar with Microsoft Windows and its conventions. Those users installing Test Agents on Linux must also be familiar with that operating system.

Understanding XDE Tester Product Packaging and Integrations

XDE Tester is the newest version of the product introduced as Rational RobotJ in Rational Suites Enterprise Studio, Rational Suites TestStudio, and Rational TeamTest version 2002.05.02. XDE Tester includes all the RobotJ functionality, plus new features. See the XDE Tester release notes for a list of these features.

RobotJ was included in Rational Suites and integrated with Rational TestManager. XDE Tester is now a stand-alone point product, but it maintains the same integrations when you have the 2003.06.00 versions of both XDE Tester and TestManager installed. If you install Enterprise Studio, TestStudio, TeamTest, or Robot version 2003.06.00, you receive TestManager. You can use the integrated features of XDE Tester and TestManager. You can install the two products in either order that is, you can install XDE Tester, then install Rational Suites (or another product that includes TestManager), or you can install Rational Suites/TestManager, then install XDE Tester. Rational Test Agents require a separate installation.

If you have both XDE Tester and TestManager, the following integration features are available:

·         TestManager Log

·         Windows and Linux remote playback Test Agents

·         Test management features, such as running scripts as part of a test suite

·         Ability to edit datapools through TestManager

XDE Tester also has its own logs and does not depend on the TestManager log integration. If a feature depends on TestManager, it is noted in the XDE Tester documentation.

XDE Tester supports Rational projects and the Rational Test datastore if you have Rational Administrator and TestManager installed. A Rational Test datastore is used to store test assets, such as test plans, test cases, test logs, reports, and builds. Use of the Rational Test datastores is optional. Whether or not you use a Rational Test datastore, XDE Tester uses an XDE Tester datastore, which is created from within XDE Tester.

XDE Tester is integrated with ClearCase and ClearCase LT. As with the initial release of RobotJ in Rational Suites and TeamTest, you must have one of the ClearCase products for this integration to work.

Note: If you are upgrading from RobotJ to XDE Tester, see “Upgrading from RobotJ to XDE Tester” at the end of this document.

Before You Install


Make sure that your computer conforms to the following hardware and software requirements:

Rational Component

Minimum Requirements

RobotJXDE Tester – for software-under-test on Windows

Java support:  Sun Microsystems JRE 1.2.2 , 1.3.X, 1.4.0, or 1.4.1
IBM JRE 1.2.2, 1.3.0, or 1.3.1
HTML Support: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5, or 6.0
Netscape Navigator 6.2.1, 6.2.2,  6.2.3, 7.01, or 7.02

<fix for McKinley> RobotJ for software-under-test on Solaris

<for Solaris for McKinley, get information from Eric Ding>

RobotJXDE Tester – for software-under-test on Linux

Java support:  Sun Microsystems JRE 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4.0, or 1.4.1
IBM JRE 1.3 or 1.3.1
HTML Support: Netscape Navigator 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3,  7.01, or 7.02

Rational Test Agent software – Windows Systems
(for remote playback of RobotJXDE Tester scripts using Rational TestManager)


Pentium class or equivalent (500 MHz or better recommended)
128 MB memory
425 MB free disk space for installation. We recommend more disk space for large virtual tester runs.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1, Windows 2000 (Service Packs 2 and 3),
Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6/6a or higher), Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows Me

HTML Support: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5, or 6.0
Netscape Navigator 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 7.01, or 7.02

TCP/IP network software


Rational Test Agent software – Red Hat Linux <add specific operating system, add solaris for McKinley> Systems
(for remote playback of RobotJXDE Tester scripts using Rational TestManager)


128 MB memory
150 MB free disk space for installation

<Add back for McKinley>Solaris Version 2.8 or higher (playback only)

Red Hat Linux 7.X, or 8.0 (playback only)

HTML Support:  Netscape Navigator 6.2.1, 6.2.2,  6.2.3, 7.01, or 7.02

BEA WebLogic EJB support: BEA WebLogic client software

TCP/IP network software

You also need:

·         To test HTML

·         To test both applets and HTML


JDK 1.2.2 – 1.4.1

JDK 1.3.1_02 – 1.4.1


Pre-installation Steps for Remote Playback

When you associate an XDE Tester datastore with a Rational project, you can use TestManager to run your XDE Tester scripts and to coordinate testing activities from a single computer running Windows. This is called the Local computer. If you want to run XDE Tester scripts remotely on other computers, you must install Test Agent software (delivered on a separate CD-ROM), enable environments, and configure applications on the remote system called an Agent computer. This process is described in “Installing and Starting Rational Test Agents.”

 The following pre-installation steps are required for remote playback of RobotJXDE Tester scripts:

·         Determine if a computer is a Local or Agent computer.

·         Install TCP/IP network software and update your network software on all computers that you use for remote playback of RobotJXDE Tester scripts.

Removing Previous Versions of Rational Software

To install XDE Tester, you must remove any Rational software prior to version 2003.06.00, except for Rational ClearCase.

To remove Rational software, you must have administrator privileges on the Local computer. Before removing a Rational software product, make sure that no one is using the product on your system. You cannot remove files that are in use. The Rational Software Setup program does not remove directories that contain files created using Rational software products. You can remove these directories manually if you no longer need them.

Note: When you uninstall your Rational software the uninstall wizard deletes the RobotJ Configurations.rftcfg file. We recommend that you make a back up copy of the Configurations.rftcfg file before you uninstall your Rational software. If you do not make a back up copy of the configurations.rftcfg file, you need to re-configure your Java and HTML applications for testing with RobotJ using the Application Configuration Tool.

To remove Rational software from your Windows computer:

1.       Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2.       Click Add/Remove Programs.

3.       Select the Rational product that you want to remove and click Add/Remove.


Licensing is no longer required for installing XDE Tester.

Installing XDE Tester


You use the Rational Setup Wizard for initial and upgrade installations of XDE Tester. Before you upgrade, be sure to read “Upgrading from RobotJ to XDE Tester” at the end of this document.

Using the Rational Setup Wizard

You must observe the following general requirements to run the Rational Setup Wizard:

·         Stop all applications before you begin the installation.

·         Make sure you have administrator privileges.

·         Turn off all virus protection software. These programs often run in the background and interfere with the installation application’s performance because the virus protection checks each file that is installed.

·         Make certain that the system meets the minimum space requirements and is running a viable version of the operating system.

·         Make a current backup of your Registry and system directories.

·         Turn off any user interface managers or environments that run on Microsoft Windows.

·         Change to a standard VGA video driver while Rational Setup is running, or disable video features such as virtual screens or screen switching.

·         Change to a standard mouse driver, or disable special mouse features that perform tasks such as leaving pointer trails or changing pointer sizes.

The Setup Wizard does not display an error summary. To verify that an installation was successful or to understand why it failed, look in the log of installation activities called Rational_install.log in the TEMP directory. The location of the directory depends on the TEMP environment variable set on the computer. To find the location, open a command Window and type echo %TEMP% at the DOS prompt.

The Rational Setup Wizard uses C:\Program Files\Rational as the default install path. It requires that you install all Rational products in the same directory. If you already have Rational products installed on the computer, the Setup Wizard installs additional Rational products in the same directory.

Note: The Setup Wizard installs Microsoft Core Components and some additional files on the same drive as the operating system (often the C:\ drive), even if you have specified an alternate drive for installation. These files can require 5-15 MB of temporary disk space on your hard drive.

Completing the Installation from a CD- ROM Image

The Rational Setup Wizard Program guides you through the software installation. Note that interrupting an installation that is in progress may leave your system in an indeterminate state. If you try to close the Rational Setup Wizard window while the installation is in progress, you are asked to confirm that you want to exit from the incomplete installation.

To install XDE Tester from the CD-ROM:

1.       Log in as a user with administrative privileges on the computer on which you want to install.

2.       Insert the disk into the system’s CD-ROM drive. The Rational Setup Wizard starts automatically. If autorun is disabled on your system, click Start > Run and type cd_drive:\Setup.exe where cd_drive is the letter of the CD-ROM drive.

3.       In the Deployment Method page select Desktop Installation from CD Image.

4.       Read the terms of the license agreement, select one of the following, and then click Next.

·         Yes, I accept the agreement. If you accept the agreement, the Setup program continues.

·         No, I don’t accept the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, the Setup program ends.

5.       Click Next to accept the default location for the installation. You can click Change to install in a different directory if no other Rational software is installed on your system. All Rational software must be installed in the same directory.

6.       In the Custom Setup page click Next. For this version of XDE Tester, accept the default features.

7.       Select XDE Tester Shell Instance in the left pane of the Configure window.  The next page that appears is the Shell Instance page. You can install XDE Tester in its own instance of the Workbench shell, or install it into another product, such as WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), that uses a supported version of the shell.

If you have no other products using Workbench or you want to install XDE Tester in its own instance of the shell, select the Install With a New Instance of IBM Websphere Workbench 2.0 option in the drop-down list

Note: If you do not have a specific need to have XDE Tester and another product in the same instance of the Workbench shell, we recommend that you install XDE Tester in its own instance. Also, if you are testing an Eclipse-based product, we recommend that you install XDE Tester in its own instance of the Workbench Eclipse shell.

Click Done after you have made your selection.

8.       In the Ready to Install the Program page click Install to begin the installation. The installation should take about 5 minutes.

If the Setup Wizard must restart your machine to complete the installation, a message is displayed. Click Yes to restart immediately, or click No if you plan to restart at another time.

The Setup Complete page is displayed when the installation is done. Note that licensing is no longer required.

9.       Clear the check boxes if you do not want to view the Readme file or the Rational Developer Network Web pages at this time.

10.   Click Finish.


Creating and Completing the Installation from a Release Area

XDE Tester can be installed from an established release area on a shared or mapped drive. The system administrator establishes the release area by following these steps:

1.       Double click setup.exe from the CD-ROM.

2.       In the Welcome to the Rational Setup Wizard page click Next.

3.       In the Deployment Method page select Enterprise Deployment. Click Next. This invokes the Rational Site Preparation Tool.

4.       In the left pane select Rational XDE Tester. Click Next.

5.       Select the instance in which you want to install XDE Tester in the Shell Instance Page. If you have no other products using Workbench or you want to install XDE Tester in its own instance of the shell, select the Install With a New Instance of IBM Websphere Workbench 2.0 option in the drop-down list. Click Next.

Note: If you do not have a specific need to have XDE Tester and another product in the same instance of the Workbench shell, we recommend that you install XDE Tester in its own instance. Also, if you are testing an Eclipse-based product, we recommend that you Install XDE Tester in its own instance of the Workbench Eclipse shell.

6.       Add a description of the instance (required). Click Next.

7.       In the Common Settings page click Next.

8.       Select a default installation directory. Note that because Eclipse does not support UNC pathnames, XDE Tester cannot be installed using a UNC path. Click Next.

9.       Add a description of the release area (required). Click Next.

10.   Browse for the desired location where you want to establish the release area. Also, enter the name of the file in which the default settings for this release area are saved. Click Next.

11.   Click Done to exit from the installation program. Optionally, you can launch an installation by selecting the check box so marked.

Once the release area has been established, users can install XDE Tester locally from there by following these steps:

1.       Navigate to the network location where your Administrator has created the release area.

2.       Double-click setup.exe. This starts the Setup Wizard that prompts you through the installation

3.       Read the terms of the license agreement, select one of the following, and then click Next.

·         Yes, I accept the agreement. If you accept the agreement, the Setup program continues.

·         No, I don’t accept the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, the Setup program ends.

4.       Select the destination directory where you want XDE Tester installed locally. You can accept the default set by the Administrator or change it. Click Next. This invokes the Site Default Configuration page.

5.       Select Use standard configuration and click Next if you want to accept the defaults. This begins the installation. Click Finish at the end of the installation.

6.       Alternatively, you can select I will create my own configuration. Click Next. This invokes the Custom Setup page.

7.       Click Next. You are then prompted for a shell instance. Scroll down the list to select the shell in which you want XDE Tester to run.

Note: If you don’t have a specific need to have XDE Tester and another product in the same instance of the Workbench shell, we recommend that you install XDE Tester in its own instance of the shell. If you are testing an Eclipse-based product, we recommend that you Install XDE Tester in its own instance of the Workbench Eclipse shell.

Click Done after you have made your selection. The installation begins.

8.       Click Finish in the Setup Complete page when the installation is done.

Canceling an Installation

If you click Cancel any time during the installation procedure or before the installation completes, no changes are made to the system. The program returns your system to the state it was in before you launched the Rational Setup Wizard.

If you do not have the correct version of Windows Installer software on your computer, the Rational Setup Wizard installs it for you. Canceling the installation does not remove the updated version of Windows Installer.

Reinstalling XDE Tester

If you already have XDE Tester installed on your system, the Setup Wizard displays a message saying that you must remove it before you can reinstall.

Warning: If XDE Tester is installed into WSAD and then WSAD is uninstalled, you must uninstall and reinstall XDE Tester. If XDE Tester uses the same workspace location as WSAD, uninstalling XDE Tester causes errors when bringing up WSAD using the same workspace. WSAD and XDE should use separate workspaces in the event XDE Tester is uninstalled.   

After You Install XDE Tester


<add back into table for McKinley>
Solaris 2.8



Installing and Starting Rational Test Agents

After you install your Rational testing software on a Local computer, you have the option of installing Rational Test Agents on other computers. Note that the Test Agent software is delivered on a separate CD-ROM. Note that you must install the same version of Rational testing software on the local and agent computers or they will not work.

Working with Windows Test Agents

Installing a Windows Agent

To install agent software on a Windows computer:

1.       Log on using an account with administrator privileges.

2.       Insert the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD into your CD drive. The installation starts automatically.

If the installation does not start automatically, do the following:

a.       Click Start > Run.

b.       Type drive:\SETUP.EXE

where drive is the CD drive you are using.

c.       Click OK.

3.       In the Rational Software Setup page, click Next. 

4.       In the Product list, click Rational Test Agent, and then click Next. 

5.       Read the terms of the license agreement, click one of the following, and then click Next.

·         Yes, I accept the agreement. If you accept the agreement, the Setup program continues.

·         No, I don’t accept the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, the Setup program ends.

6.       In the Select Configuration page, click Typical, and then click Next. 

7.       Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 

The Rational Setup wizard displays a series of pages that guide you through the installation process and prompt you for information.

8.       In the last dialog box, click Finish. 

You must restart your computer to finish the installation.

9.       Log on again using the same user account and Administrator privileges that you used to start the installation. This allows the setup program to complete. 

10.   In the Installation Complete page, click Finish.

11.   Start the Windows agent, as describes in the next section.  

Starting a Windows Agent

To start the agent on Windows:

1.       Click Start > Programs > Rational Product > Rational Test > Rational Test Agent.

2.       Enable the testing environments that you need on Windows agents. See “Enabling Environments.”

3.       Configure the applications that you want to test on Windows agents. See “Configuring Applications.”

Working with Linux Agents

Installing a Linux Agent

To install Agent software on a Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley> computer:

1.       Log on as superuser.

2.       Create the installation directory:

% mkdir -p /usr/rational/test

3.       Insert the Rational Test Agent Disc 1 CD into your CD drive.

If the CD does not automount, type the Linux mount command at the prompt: <change to UNIX for McKinley>

% mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom


<add back for McKinley> For an Agent on a Solaris operating system mount command:

mount /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

cd /cdrom/cdrom01/solaris_agent

4.       Enter the following command  to change to the test directory:

% cd /usr/rational/test

5.       Enter the following commands to copy the installation files to your hard drive:

% tar xzpf /mnt/cdrom/linux_agent.tar.gz


6.       Enter the following commands to set the RobotJXDE Tester environment variables:

% RATIONAL_FT_JRE=/usr/rational/test/j2re1.4.1






% RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=/usr/rational/test/XDETesterRobotJ


% PATH=$PATH:/usr/rational/test/bin:${RATIONAL_FT_JRE}/bin


% RATL_RTHOME=/usr/rational/test








7.       Enter the following commands to set the library path:

${RATIONAL_FT_JRE}/lib/i386/native_threads: ${RATIONAL_FT_JRE}/lib/i386/client




8.       Set the following variable:

% export LD_ASSUME_KERNAL = 2.2.5


9.       Start the Linux agent as described in<change to UNIX for McKinley> the next section.<change to UNIX for McKinley>

Starting a Linux Agent<change to UNIX for McKinley if Solaris is added>

To start the Linux Agent:  

1.   Enter the following command to start the agent daemon:

% RTSagt


2.       Enable the testing environments that you need on Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley to include Solaris and Linux agents. See “Enabling Environments.”

3.       Configure the applications that you want to test on Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley to include Solaris and Linux agents. See “Configuring Apllications.”

Removing a Linux Agent <change to UNIX if Solaris is added for McKinley>

To remove a Linux agent: <change to UNIX if Solaris is added for McKinley>

1.       Enter the following command to find the rtprvd process and stop it:

% ps -ef|grep rtprvd


2.       Enter the following command to stop the pid process:

% kill pid


3.       Enter the following command to remove the Linux agent: <change to UNIX for McKinley>

% rm -rf /usr/rational/test

Enabling Environments

The first time that you start RobotJXDE Tester, RobotJit automatically enables your environment for a Windows computer running RobotJXDE Tester scripts. If you add a browser or add a new Java environment, you must enable the new browser or Java environment on the Windows computer running the RobotJXDE Tester script.

If you use TestManager to coordinate your testing activities and run an RobotJXDE Tester script on an Agent computer, you need to enable environments on the Agent computer that runs the script. 

To enable environments:

1.       Do one of the following to start the Enabler:

·         For a Windows computer running RobotJXDE Tester scripts stand-alone or for a Windows Agent, <change to UNIX and Linux for McKinley>click  Start > Programs > Rational Product Name> Rational Test > Rational RobotJXDE Tester Enabler.

·         For a Linux agent, enter the following command:

% XDETesterEnable

2.       When the Enabler starts, click the Web Browsers tab to enable browsers or the Java Environments tab to enable Java environments.

3.       Complete the environment setup.

4.       After you run the Enabler for all browsers or JREs for the applications that you want to test, click OK.

Configuring Applications

Before you use RobotJXDE Tester to test your Java or HTML applications, you need to use the RobotJXDE Tester Application Configuration Tool. When you configure your applications, you provide the name, path, and other information about the application that you intend to test. RobotJXDE Tester uses this information during record and playback to make the RobotJXDE Tester script more reliable and portable.

If you use TestManager to coordinate your testing activities and run an RobotJXDE Tester script on an Agent computer, you need to configure applications on the Agent computer that runs the script. 

To configure applications:

1.       Do one of the following to start the Application Configuration Tool:

·         For a Windows computer running RobotJXDE Tester scripts stand-alone, or for a Windows Agent, <change to UNIX and Linux for McKinley>click Start > Programs > Rational Product Name> Rational Test > Rational RobotJXDE Tester Application Configuration Tool.

·         For a Linux Agent running RobotJXDE Tester scripts, enter the following command <change to UNIX for Linux and Solaris for McKinley>:

% XDETesterConfig

2.       Click Add. The Application Configuration Tool starts.

3.       Select the application type, and click Next.

4.       For a Java application, click Browse and select the .class or .jar file of the Java application you want to add. Proceed to Step 5.

For an HTML application, select the type of HTML to be tested (either Local or URL). Click Next. If you selected URL, enter the URL to use for testing and then proceed to Step 6 below. If you selected Local, you can either browse to the location of the .htm or .html file, or you can enter the full path name of the file. Proceed to the next step.

For executables or batch files, click Browse and select a file of type .exe or .bat. Proceed to Step 5.

5.       Click Open. The file name and path appears in the Filename field.

6.       Click Finish. The application appears in the Applications list in the Application Configuration Tool.

7.       Look at the information in the Detailed Information list. For a Java application, the Name, Kind, Path, .class/.jar file, Classpath, and Working Dir fields are automatically filled in. The JRE and Args fields are optional. Make any necessary edits. For information on these fields, see the RobotJXDE Tester Help.

8.       Click Run to ensure that your application is properly configured.

9.       Click OK or Apply to save the changes you made.

Note: After you add an application, you can edit its information at any time by opening this tool and selecting it in the Applications list.

To remove an application from the Applications list, select the application and click Remove.

Setting Up ClearCase

This section provides information for users who have installed XDE Tester and want a quick start with Rational ClearCase. The following procedure is an overview of the tasks necessary to set up a typical ClearCase installation. For example, a typical installation is when you install and set up ClearCase on a shared server and install the ClearCase client on a separate system. RobotJXDE Tester is the ClearCase client on the local system. If you install and set up a ClearCase server and ClearCase client on the same system, you need to do some additional configuration tasks. For further information, see the Rational ClearCase Administrator's Guide.

Before you can create an RobotJXDE Tester datastore and add it to ClearCase, perform the following steps:

1.       Install ClearCase. For information about installing ClearCase LT, see the Rational ClearCase LT Installation Guide on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD. For information about installing ClearCase, see the Rational ClearCase Installation Guide.

2.       Create a VOB, if necessary. For information, see the ClearCase Help. (You can skip this step if your ClearCase administrator creates a VOB for you.)

3.       Create a view to access your RobotJXDE Tester test assets. The instructions that follow are suggestions. Be sure to consult your ClearCase Administrator for the options you should select when you create a view. You can also find information in the ClearCase manual, which can be found on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM.

a.       In the ClearCase Explorer, click the Toolbox tab.

b.       Click Create View.

c.       Complete the View Creation wizard.

d.       Click Finish.

4.       Update the ClearCase type managers on a Windows or UNIX Server if you are using a version of ClearCase earlier than 2003.06. For information, ask your ClearCase administrator, see the next section, “Updating ClearCase Type Managers on Windows,”  or see “Updating ClearCase Type Managers on UNIX.”

Note: RobotJRobotJXDE Tester has limited support for Unified Code Management (UCM).  RobotJXDE Tester-ClearCase integration is supported in views that are created in single-stream UCM projects. RobotJXDE Tester-ClearCase integration is not supported in views that are created in multi-stream UCM projects. We recommend that you do not use UCM if you are new to ClearCase.

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on Windows

If you use a version of ClearCase earlier than 2003.06 for source control management of your RobotJXDE Tester test assets, you must update the ClearCase type managers to recognize RobotJXDE Tester object test object map files on Windows. The latest version of ClearCase includes RobotJXDE Tester type managers.

To simplify your ClearCase administration, we recommend that you put RobotJXDE Tester test assets in a separate VOB. By putting RobotJXDE Tester test assets in a separate VOB, only those users who need to access RobotJXDE Tester test assets need to install the RobotJXDE Tester type managers on their system.

To update the ClearCase type managers to recognize RobotJXDE Tester  test objecobjectt map files on Windows, complete the following steps:

1.       Select from the following options:

If you


Use ClearCase

Perform Steps 2 and 3 on the computer where you located the view storage when you created a view.

Use ClearCase LT

Perform Steps 2 and 3 on the ClearCase server.

Use ClearCase MultiSite

Perform Steps 2 and 3 on all replicas.

Want to perform ClearCase operations on a VOB with RobotJXDE Tester assets, but do not need to install RobotJXDE Tester on your system.

Perform Steps 2 and 3 on your system to gain access to RobotJXDE Tester assets.


2.       Log on using an account with administrator privileges.

3.       Do one of the following:

·         If you have the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD, you can use a program to update the ClearCase type managers:

a.       Insert the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD into your CD drive. The installation starts automatically.

If the installation does not start automatically, do the following:

                                   i.          Click Start > Run.

                                  ii.         Type drive:\SETUP.EXE

         where drive is the CD drive you are using.

                                 iii.        Click OK.

b.       In the Rational Software Setup screen, click Next.

c.       Select RobotJXDE Tester ClearCase Server Extension from the list of available products and click Next.

d.       Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

·         If you do not have the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD, you can add the following lines to your <ClearCase install directory>/lib/mgrs/map to update the ClearCase type managers:

_rftmap             construct_version                     ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             create_branch                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             create_element                         ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             create_version                           ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             delete_branches_versions            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             compare                                  ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftmap             xcompare                                 ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftmap             merge                                       ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftmap             xmerge                                     ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftmap             annotate                                  ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             get_cont_info                            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               construct_version                     ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               create_branch                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               create_element                         ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               create_version                           ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               delete_branches_versions            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               compare                                  ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftdef               xcompare                                 ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftdef               merge                                       ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftdef               xmerge                                     ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftdef               annotate                                  ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               get_cont_info                            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 construct_version                     ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 create_branch                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 create_element                         ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 create_version                           ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 delete_branches_versions            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 compare                                  ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftvp                 xcompare                                 ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftvp                 merge                                       ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftvp                 xmerge                                     ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftvp                 annotate                                  ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                 get_cont_info                            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on UNIX

If you use a version of ClearCase earlier than 2003.06 for source control management of your RobotJXDE Tester test assets, you must update the ClearCase type managers to recognize RobotJXDE Tester test object map files. Release 2003.06 of ClearCase includes RobotJXDE Tester type managers.

To update the ClearCase type managers on a UNIX system, select from the following options:

If you


Use ClearCase on a UNIX system

On the UNIX system running the view_server, type the following commands listed below at the prompt.

Use ClearCase MultiSite

On all UNIX replicas, type the following commands listed below at the prompt.

Want to perform ClearCase operations on a VOB with RobotJXDE Tester assets, but do not need to install RobotJXDE Tester on your system

On your system, type the commands listed below at the prompt.



Note: To simplify your ClearCase administration, we recommend that you put RobotJXDE Tester test assets in a separate VOB. By putting RobotJXDE Tester test assets in a separate VOB, only those users who need to access RobotJXDE Tester test assets need to install the RobotJXDE Tester type managers on their system.

Enter the following commands:

% cd <clearcase_install_directory>/lib/mgrs

% ln -s ./binary_delta ./_rftmap

% ln -s ./binary_delta ./_rftdef

% ln -s ./binary_delta ./_rftvp


Upgrading from RobotJ to XDE Tester

XDE Tester maintains the same integrations as RbotJ when you have both XDE Tester and TestManager installed. If you install Enterprise Studio, TestStudio, or TeamTest version 2003.06.00, you receive TestManager and are able to use the integrated features of XDE Tester and TestManager. You must install the 2003.06.00 version of TestManager, XDE Tester, and the Test Agents (if you use them) for the products to operate properly together.

Rational Test Datastore

If you used a Rational Test datastore for RobotJ assets, before you can use them from TestManager you must open Rational Administrator to upgrade the Test datastore. This also converts RobotJ-related assets from the RobotJ version to the XDE Tester version.

To convert the Rational Test datastore:

1.       Close TestManager and XDE Tester, if they are open.

2.       Open Rational Administrator.

3.       In Administrator, click File > Upgrade Project Assets.

The upgrade proceeds and you can connect to the Rational Test datastore from XDE Tester when the upgrade completes.

RobotJ Assets

If you used RobotJ, your test assets, including RobotJ datastores, scripts, test object maps, and verification points,  work with XDE Tester. The two versions are upwardly compatible. You can connect to your RobotJ datastores from XDE Tester.

If you record scripts with XDE Tester, we recommend that you don't play them back with the prior version of RobotJ. (You cannot have both products on the same computer, but you could record scripts using XDE Tester that another user plays back. In this case, we recommend not opening the XDE Tester scripts in RobotJ.).


As part of the upgrade, you must re-enable Java environments and Web browsers in XDE Tester.

To re-enable Java environments:

1.       Click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing to open the Enable Environments dialog box (the Enabler). Click the Java Environments tab.

2.       Click Search. The Search for Java Environments dialog opens. Select one of the following search mechanisms.

Quick Search can only be used on Windows systems. It searches the registry for the Java environments and is quicker than searching your hard drive(s).

Search All Drives scans all of your hard drives or partitions to locate all the Java environments on your system.

Note: You should not use the Search All Drives option to find JREs on Linux systems. Instead, use the Search In option and browse for the JRE.

Select Search In to browse to a specific drive or root directory to search.

3.       After choosing one of the search mechanisms, click Search.

When the search is complete, it lists the JREs in the Java Environments list. The list includes the full path name of each environment.

4.       Click Select All to select all the Java environments.

5.       Click Disable. You must disable all the environments before you can re-enable them.

6.       Select the environments that you want to re-enable by clicking on them in the list. You can select multiple JREs.

7.       Click Enable. The selected environment(s) are then enabled for Java testing. The enabled environments are indicated in parentheses after each JRE name in the list.

8.       If you want to change the default JRE, select your preferred default, and click Set as Default.


·         If  the Record Monitor is blank when you try to record against a Java application, the JRE is not enabled. We recommend leaving the Record Monitor in view while recording for this reason. If you see this symptom, run the enabler.

·         The first time you run XDE Tester, it automatically enables the JVM of your browser's Java plug-in so that HTML recording works properly. If you install a different JVM, you must rerun the enabler to enable it.

To re-enable Web browsers:

1.       In XDE Tester, click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing to invoke the Enable Environments dialog box (the Enabler). Click Web Browsers.

2.       Click Search. The Search for Web Browsers dialog opens.

Select Search All to let the enabler locate all the browsers on your system. It scans all of your hard drives or partitions and lists the browsers in the Web Browsers list. The list includes the full path name of each browser.

Note: Do not use the Search All option to find browsers on Linux systems. Use the Search In option and browse for it.

Select Search In to browse to a specific drive or root directory.

3.       After choosing one of the search mechanisms, click Search.

When the search is complete, the browsers are listed.

4.       Click Select All to select all the browsers.

5.       Click Disable. You must disable all browsers before you can re-enable them.

6.       Select the browsers that you want to enable by clicking on them in the list. You can select multiple browsers.

7.       Click Enable. The selected browser(s) are enabled for HTML testing. The enabled browsers are indicated in parentheses after each browser name in the list.

8.       If you want change the default browser, select your preferred default, and click Set as Default.


·         If the enabler fails to find a browser in the registry or on your system, you can click Add. This brings up the Add Browser dialog box, which you can use to locate the browser. After you select it and click Add, the browser is added to the Web Browsers list in the enabler, and you can follow the previous steps above to enable or disable it. If you try to add a file that is not a browser, you get an error and the file is not added to the list.

·         When the Record Monitor is blank when you try to record against an HTML application, the browser is not enabled. We recommend leaving the Record Monitor in view while recording for this reason. If you see this symptom, run the enabler.

·         The first time you run XDE Tester, it automatically enables the JVM of your browser's Java plug-in so that HTML recording works properly. If you install a different JVM, you must rerun the enabler to enable it.

Contacting Rational Customer Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Customer Support as follows:

Your Location




North America

(800) 433-5444
(toll free)
(408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA

(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA


Europe, Middle East, Africa

+31 (0) 20-4546-200

+31 (0) 20-4545-201


Asia Pacific




Note: When you contact Rational Customer Support, be prepared to supply the following information:

·         Your name, telephone number, and company name

·         Your computer's make and model

·         Your operating system and version number

·         Your product release number and serial number

·         Your case ID number (if you are following up on a previously-reported problem)