QUESTION: Scripting - examples and information for Clearcase ANSWER: Below are some examples of accessing ClearCase via Rose scripting and more information. #1 Script to test if file checked out To the current view. #2 Visual Basic code example #3 Rose code example #4 Add ClearCase version number to each diagram #5 Solution 10629 - ClearCase Automation Library (CAL) FAQ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #1 Script to test if file checked out To the current view. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. add test.mdl to Clearcase. 2. check out file (from within Rose). 3. run following code: '--------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main Dim CC As Object Dim Ver As Object Dim COF As Object "Fixes" On Error Resume Next Set CC = CreateObject("ClearCase.Application") If CC Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Could not start ClearCase." Exit Sub End If Val1 = "z:\rosetset\test.mdl" Ver = CC.Version(Val1) Print Ver On Error GoTo BADCall Set COF = CC.CheckedOutFile(Val1) On Error GoTo 0 If Err.Number <> 0 Then Print"Its Not checked out To the current view" Else Print "It Is checked out To the current view" End If Set CC = Nothing BADCall: msgbox "not checked out" End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------- 4. Code should return "It Is checked out To the current view" 5. right click on test in browser, Undo check out 6. run script 7. Code should now return msgbox "not checked out" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #2 Visual Basic code example ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sub Main 'If using in Rose... * see next example #3 'Dim CC As New ClearCase.Application 'Dim Ver As CCVersion 'Dim CheckedOutFile As CCCheckedOutFile 'If using in Visual Basic... Dim CC As object Dim Ver As object Dim CheckedOutFile As object On Error Resume Next Set CC = CreateObject("ClearCase.Application") 'Return message regarding ability to connect to Clearcase If CC Is Nothing Then MsgBox "NOTHING" Exit Sub Else MsgBox "CONNECTED" End If 'Find the Version of the ClearCase File Set Ver = CC.Version("\\view\gustaf-pc_localView\ScriptTest\testModel.mdl") MsgBox "version = " & Ver 'Checkout file Set CheckedOutFile = Ver.CheckOut(ccReserved, "test checkout") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Checkout Error: " & Err.Description Else MsgBox "Checkout successful" End If End Sub \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #3 Rose code example ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NOTE above VB example code will fail in Rose even if you change Dim statements, "Dim Ver As object" to "Dim Ver As CCVersion", becaused of an undefined constant. This is explained in Solution: 13748 - Rose scripts cannot access COM/OLE type-library constants. Here is the above VB example code modified and including Clearcase constants to run as a Rose script: Const ccConstraint_None As Long = 0 Const ccConstraint_PerElement As Long = 1 Const ccConstraint_PerBranch As Long = 2 Const ccConstraint_PerVersion As Long = 3 Const ccKeep As Long = 0 Const ccRemove As Long = 1 Const ccScope_Ordinary As Long = 0 Const ccScope_LocalCopy As Long = 1 Const ccScope_Global As Long = 2 Const ccOp_mktype As Long = 5 Const ccOp_rmtype As Long = 6 Const ccOp_rntype As Long = 7 Const ccOp_lock As Long = 8 Const ccOp_unlock As Long = 9 Const ccOp_checkout As Long = 10 Const ccOp_mkelem As Long = 11 Const ccOp_mkbranch As Long = 12 Const ccOp_checkin As Long = 13 Const ccOp_rmelem As Long = 14 Const ccOp_rmbranch As Long = 15 Const ccOp_rmver As Long = 16 Const ccOp_rmname As Long = 17 Const ccOp_chtype As Long = 18 Const ccOp_mklabel As Long = 19 Const ccOp_mkattr As Long = 20 Const ccOp_mkhlink As Long = 21 Const ccOp_mktrigger As Long = 22 Const ccOp_rmlabel As Long = 23 Const ccOp_rmattr As Long = 24 Const ccOp_rmhlink As Long = 25 Const ccOp_rmtrigger As Long = 26 Const ccOp_uncheckout As Long = 27 Const ccOp_lnname As Long = 32 Const ccOp_mkslink As Long = 33 Const ccOp_reserve As Long = 37 Const ccOp_unreserve As Long = 41 Const ccOp_chevent As Long = 44 Const ccOp_chmaster As Long = 49 Const ccFiring_PreOp As Long = 1 Const ccFiring_PostOp As Long = 2 Const ccKind_Type As Long = 0 Const ccKind_Element As Long = 1 Const ccKind_AllElement As Long = 2 Const ccReserved As Long = 0 Const ccUnreserved As Long = 1 Const ccTryReserved As Long = 2 Const ccVersion_Default As Long = 0 Const ccVersion_SpecificVersion As Long = 1 Const ccSelection_Path As Long = 0 Const ccSelection_SubTreeRoot As Long = 1 Const ccSelection_Directory As Long = 2 Const ccSelection_AllInVOB As Long = 3 Const ccSelection_AllVOBs As Long = 4 Const ccAction_Exec As Long = 0 Const ccAction_ExecUNIX As Long = 1 Const ccAction_ExecWin As Long = 2 Const ccAction_Mklabel As Long = 3 Const ccAction_Mkattr As Long = 4 Const ccAction_MkhlinkTo As Long = 5 Const ccAction_MkhlinkFrom As Long = 6 Const ccAll_ElementTypes As Long = 13 Const ccAll_BranchTypes As Long = 14 Const ccAll_AttributeTypes As Long = 15 Const ccAll_HyperlinkTypes As Long = 16 Const ccAll_TriggerTypes As Long = 17 Const ccAll_LabelTypes As Long = 20 Const ccSubset_Both As Long = 0 Const ccSubset_NotInheritance As Long = 1 Const ccSubset_NotAttached As Long = 2 Sub Main 'If using in Rose... 'Dim CC As New ClearCase.Application 'Dim Ver As CCVersion 'Dim CheckedOutFile As CCCheckedOutFile 'If using in Visual Basic... Dim CC As object Dim Ver As object Dim CheckedOutFile As object On Error Resume Next Set CC = CreateObject("ClearCase.Application") 'Return message regarding ability to connect to Clearcase If CC Is Nothing Then MsgBox "NOTHING" Exit Sub Else MsgBox "CONNECTED" End If 'Find the Version of the ClearCase File Set Ver = CC.Version("\\view\gustaf-pc_localView\ScriptTest\testModel.mdl") MsgBox "version = " & Ver 'Checkout file Set CheckedOutFile = Ver.CheckOut(ccReserved, "test checkout") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Checkout Error: " & Err.Description Else MsgBox "Checkout successful" End If End Sub \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #4 Add ClearCase version number to each diagram ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Example script posted to rose_forum: ' Description : Add the version number stored in ClearCase in a text field ' in each diagram on the upper left corner This is done for the model. ' !!!! File must be checked out by hand version number is not ' exactly extracted. text "Checked out" is also put in the diagrams ' sub packages' diagram are not yet updated to show version number ' subunits are not treated. Sub Main Dim theModel As New Model Set theModel = RoseApp.CurrentModel Viewport.Open Viewport.Clear Dim theModelFileName As String theModelFileName = RoseApp.CurrentModel.GetFileName Dim unitFileName As String Dim unitDirectoryName As String Dim appRunning As Boolean Dim appName As String Dim id As Variant 'bat command file is constructed 'the result of cleartool ls -s filename is redirected to a file result.dat Open "AskVersionCCCmd.bat" For Output Access Write As #2 Dim command As String command = "cleartool ls " & theModelFileName & "> result.dat" Print #2, command Close #2 'execute bat command file id = Shell( "AskVersionCCCmd.bat", ebNormalFocus ) ' loop : to be sure command is executed appRunning = True While appRunning Sleep 2000 appName = AppFind$(id) If appName = "" Then appRunning = False End If Wend 'Read the result.dat 'format is like : z:\app_vob\test.txt@@\main\3 Dim str As String Open "result.dat" For Input Access Read As #3 Input #3, str Close #3 If Len(str) = 0 Then Print "No version found" End End If 'the version number is the data starting from right until a \ is found notFinished = true i = Len(str) While notFinished car$ = Mid$(str,i,1) If car = "\" Then notFinished = false End If i = i-1 If i = 0 Then Print "No version found" End End If Wend i = i + 2 '+1 because goes out of while loop with a i=i-1 ' +1 because we do not want the \ versionNbr = Mid$(str,i,Len(str)) 'Print versionNbr 'Add Text Box (called NoteView in Rose REI) in Main Diagram Dim theNoteView As NoteView Dim theMainDiagram As Diagram Dim theLogicalView As Category Set theLogicalView = theModel.RootCategory Dim thediagrams As ClassDiagramCollection Set thediagrams = theLogicalView.ClassDiagrams theNoteText = "Version" & versionNbr For i =1 To thediagrams.count Set theNoteView = thediagrams.Getat(i).AddNoteView(theNoteText, 1) theNoteView.XPosition = 0 theNoteView.YPosition = 0 Next i End Sub \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #5 Solution 10629 - ClearCase Automation Library (CAL) FAQ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ========================================================== What is CAL (ClearCase Automation Library) ? ========================================================== The ClearCase Automation Library (CAL) (referred to as CAL) provides a set of COM interfaces to ClearCase 4.0 on the Windows 32-bit platforms. These interfaces are intended both as an integration platform and also as an API that can be used to extend or customize ClearCase. CAL can also be used to develop stand alone applications, write scripts, or embed macros in other applications that interact with ClearCase on some level. ========================================================== What versions of ClearCase are supported with CAL ? ========================================================== ClearCase versions 4.0 and later are supported by CAL officially. Some customers have tried to use some of the limited components of CAL in ClearCase 3.2.1. Rational does not support the usage of CAL for versions of ClearCase before 4.0 ClearCase Automation Library, ccauto.dll ========================================================== What are the languages that CAL supports ? ========================================================== Visual Basic 5.0 or later Visual C++ or later 5.0 or later Win32 Perl(COM-Enabled) (CCPerl is not supported) Visual J++ Windows Scripting Host ========================================================== What COM pieces makes up CAL ? ========================================================== As with most COM interfaces, the typical pieces are:OBJECTS, INTERFACES, METHODS and PROPERTIES There are only two (2) top-level CAL objects, the Clearcase.Application object(which is rich with numerous interfaces,methods and properties) and the Clearcase.Cleartool object which only has one method CMDEXEC, which can be used to execute a ClearTool sub-command. ========================================================== Where can I get more information on CAL, is there reference manual? Where can I get examples ? ========================================================== The CAL documentation at this time can be accessed via the cc_cal.chm online documentation in the bin subdirectory of the clearcase install path (ie: \Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\Bin\cc_cal.chm) This file has all of the commoly needed documnetation on the various interfaces,methods and properties for both CAL objects,and includes many examples. You can also access help from Start...Programs...ClearCase...ClearCase Help... and click on Administrating ClearCase. The subsection "using clearcase automation library (CAL)".. ========================================================== CAL Object Naming Conventions ========================================================== The CAL object and interfaces are named to be descriptive of the underlying data they are to represent, for example ICCElement is an interface to ClearCase elements and ICCAttributeType is an interface to ClearCae attribute types. ========================================================== Is CAL a DCOM interface ? ========================================================== CAL is not a DCOM interface, in other words CAL runs in-process with the client code. ========================================================== Once I "GET" a ClearCase.Application object,do I have to keep getting it in CAL? ========================================================== Once you create the ClearCase.Application object, you can use it to get other objects without having to create them again. CAL ensures as best it can that CAL objects stay synchronized with the underlying ClearCase data, refreshing as necessary when you invoke properties and methods. However, the CAL objects can become invalid if someone deletes the underlying ClearCase data while you still hold the CAL object. ========================================================== What limitations does CAL have ? ========================================================== CAL does not provide access to all ClearCase functionality. For example, with CAL: You cannot create VOBs. You cannot access build capabilities. You cannot access view profiles. You cannot access most UCM objects in this version of CAL You cannot get properties or perform operations on symbolic links or derived objects. In addition, CAL does not allow you to perform operations that are not permitted from cleartool or through the ClearCase GUIs. ========================================================== How does CAL implement "Error Handling" ========================================================== CAL uses standard COM error handling and standard automation errors. For a good discussion of COM error handling from Visual Basic and Visual C++, consult MSDN library article number Q186063. ========================================================== What is a simple example of CAL use ? ========================================================== This example shows how to obtain ClearCase version information using CAL. In your Visual Basic Project, from the Project menu choose References, and be sure to check the checkbox for ClearCase Automation Library 4.0 To get a CAL object representing ClearCase version M:\view\vob\file@@\main\3, you create the ClearCase.Application object, and then get the version from the Application object. Dim CC as New ClearCase.Application Dim Ver as CCVersion Set Ver = CC.Version("M:\view\vob\file@@\main\3") Note that the example uses an extended path to refer to the version. This is not a requirement. The same ClearCase contexts that work for cleartool operations or in GUI applications work in CAL as well. For example, if the code were running from the directory M:\view\vob, and the intention was to choose the version selected by the view, the example could have been coded as Set Ver = cc.Version("file") After execution Ver holds a CAL CCVersion object representing M:\view\vob\file@@\main\3. Now Ver can be used to query properties of the version. For example, to print the version number of the version, use MsgBox "Version Number " & Ver.VersionNumber ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Rational Customer Service Policies and Information: