The FTP folder contains different versions and platforms for FLEXlm license mangement utilities. To set up a license server for IBM Rational software products, you need: 1. A license file. 2. A flexlm.*.tar.gz file that matches your server O/S platform. sol = Solaris SPARC solaris_x64 = Solaris x86/x64 i386_linux2 = Linux x86 hpia = HP-UX IA64 hp = HP-UX PA-RISC 3. A script to start and stop lmgrd. Get the from 4. Edit this start script. Change the 4 LICENSE variables at the top of the script to match your installation. Once you have downloaded the FLEXlm utilities and the start script, you need to unpack the tar.gz file. The gzip/tar command will unpack the utilities into a directory of the same name, without the trailing .tar.gz suffix. For example, if you downloaded the flexlm. the, the directory is going to be flexlm. gzip -dc flexlm. | tar -xf - mv flexlm. cd flexlm. Don't forget to edit the start script. Change the LICENSE variables to match your installation. LICENSE_USER The log in name for the UNIX user that the process will run under. For security reasons, it is best that servers do not run as root. If the script is run as root, as it is when the server reboots, the script will be started as if $LICENSE_USER had run the script. LICENSE_DIR The path name to the FLEXlm utilities on the server. This script assumes you put them in /usr/flexlm. If you put them somewhere else, change this line. LICENSE_DAT and LICENSE_LOG The path names to the license file and lmgrd log file, respectively. One convention that is commonly used; name the license file and log with with the server name. For example, if your server host name is venus, change pluto to venus on these 2 lines. Line 40 must match the name of your license file. It is recommended that the utilities be copied to a file system that is locally mounted on the license server machine. A good choice would be /usr/flexlm. su # become root if you are not already. mkdir /usr/flexlm cp -p flexlm.*/* /usr/flexlm You can now use the start script to start and stop the server. For additional information, run the script with the help option. ./ start # Start the server. ./ stop # Start the server. ./ help # Get start script usage information. Once the start script is working, you will want to copy it to the location where the system will run it when the server reboots. You can run this script with the install option. Use the ishow option to see what commands are used to do this. To configure your license server to start when the machine is rebooted, the start script needs to be copied to /etc/init.d, /sbin/init.d, or /etc/inittab. The install option creates links in the rc run-level directories, where appropriate. ./ install Use the 'ishow' option to show the install commands (does not run them). ./ ishow