IBM® Rational® RequisitePro® 2003.06.01 Service Release Notes


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This document provides information about the 2003.06.01 service release of IBM Rational RequisitePro, including information on fixed defects. For more general information on this release, including descriptions of supported platforms, enhancements, and known issues, refer to the RequisitePro Release Notes.

This release provides fixes for defects in the 2003.06.00 release.

Table of Contents

Hardware/Software Information

Getting Started

Product Documentation

Defects and Changes

Contacting IBM Rational Customer Support

Hardware/Software Information

For information about Hardware/Software requirements for this release, refer to the RequisitePro Release Notes.

If you do not know which RequisitePro version you have installed on your system, click Help > About.

Getting Started

The release described in this document provides fixes for defects in the 2003.06.00 release.

Installation Information

You must have RequisitePro version 2003.06.00 on your system to install this service release.

Important: After you install a Rational product, you must restart your system before applying this service release. Do not apply this service release until you have restarted your system after installing a Rational product.

For full installation instructions, see the manual Rational Software Desktop Products Installation Guide. For information about upgrading Rational Suite or integrations with other Rational products, see the manual Rational Suite Upgrade Guide and the Rational Suite Release Notes.

Both installation guides are available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site:

Product Documentation

RequisitePro setup creates a Start menu program group for RequisitePro with the following items: Let's Go RequisitePro, Online Help, Release Notes, Rational Extensibility Interface Help, Technical Support, and configuration reference documents for RequisiteWeb, Oracle, and SQL Server databases. To start RequisitePro, click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational RequisitePro.

Let's Go RequisitePro opens when RequisitePro is first launched. Use Let's Go RequisitePro to access the RequisitePro Tutorial, Quick Tour, Help, project administration tips, the Rational Unified Process, Rational Developer Network and other Web resources. Let's Go RequisitePro can also be opened from the RequisitePro Help menu.

In addition to RequisitePro Help, see the manual Rational RequisitePro User's Guide (available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site:

Defects and Changes

Defects fixed in this release

RATLC00059125: Using the Integrated Use Case Management integration with Rational Rose caused error messages when closing Rose.

RATLC00059126: Using the Rational RequisitePro-XDE integration caused JVM error messages when closing XDE.

RATLC00058581/RATLC00059127: URL attributes for requirements did not appear as links when Attribute Matrix data was exported to Microsoft Word.

RATLC00059115/RATLC00059128: Passwords beginning with a space caused type mismatch error messages when new users logged into RequisitePro for the first time.

Files changed by this release

Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support homepage can be found at

Voice Support is available to all current contract holders via a telephone number in your country (where available). For specific country phone numbers, please refer to the IBM Software Support Handbook, Appendix B: Contact Information, found at