Host Access Beans for Java

Host Access Beans for Java


This section includes common problems.

Common problems

Out-of-memory error with WebGain VisualCafe 4.0

With WebGain VisualCafe 4.0 on Windows 2000 or Windows NT, an out-of-memory error may occur in VisualCafe when you try to add habeansnlv.jar to the VisualCafe component library.

This problem was observed with WebGain VisualCafe 4.0 on a IBM Personal Computer 300 GL with 96MB of RAM.

To work around this problem, try upgrading to WebGain VisualCafe 4.5.1 or higher. This problem did not occur with WebGain VisualCafe 4.5.1 on an IBM Personal Computer with 384MB of RAM.

Java 2 bean jar files can be used only with bean builders that support a Java 2 JRE

The Java 2 bean jar files in the IBM Host Access Toolkit, such as habeans2.jar and habeansnlv2.jar, can be used only in a bean builder environment that supports a Java 2 JRE of version 1.3.0 or higher.

Bean builder environments that support a lower level of Java 2 JRE, or that support only a Java 1 JRE, must use the Java 1 bean jar files in the IBM Host Access Toolkit, such as habeans.jar and habeansnlv.jar.

In particular, the default JDK for WebGain VisualCafe 4.0 and 4.5 does not support a Java 2 JRE.

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