Host On-Demand J2EE Connector

Host On-Demand J2EE Connector

Debugging Host On-Demand J2EE Connector Applets

This section gives tips on debugging Host On-Demand J2EE Connector code.

Trace facility

By default, the trace facility is turned off. To enable trace, Managed Connection Factory's TraceLevel property needs to be set. The value of trace levels are specified under J2HODBaseManagedConnectionFactory (please see the Host On-Demand J2EE Connector API documentation (Javadoc) for more information). The possible trace level values are:

The following example shows how to set the trace level for a TN5250 connection by using J2HOD5250ManagedConnectionFactory  in an unmanaged environment. 

  J2HOD5250ManagedConnectionFactory mcf = new J2HOD5250ManagedConnectionFactory();
  mcf.setTraceLevel(new Integer(J2HODBaseManagedConnectionFactory.RAS_TRACE_ENTRY_EXIT));

In a managed environment, trace level can be set in Connection Factory while deploying a Resource Archive (RAR) file into an application server.

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