Programmable Host On-Demand Reference

Programmable Host On-Demand

Writing a Programmable Host On-Demand application

In many ways, applications are much easier than applets. Applications run on a client machine without a browser. A Java application requires the following to run:

Since the code is not downloaded across a network, the size of the jar containing the application is not an issue. We recommend that you use the following jar files for your application. All of these Host On-Demand archive files are installed on a server during the Host On-Demand install. You can copy them from the server to your client machines.

You also need a jar file containing your application code.

The following command launches a Java application called MyApplication placed in myjar.jar, using English messages, US host code pages, and IBM Raster Fonts:

java -classpath myjar.jar;hoddbg2.jar;hodimg.jar;ha_en.jar;hacp.jar;hafntib.jar;hafntap.jar MyApplication

Host code pages

All applications require hacp.jar. If your application needs to support additional host code pages, it requires additional jar files.

The following table lists the component names for the host code pages:

Host code pages Name
Base hacp.jar
Arabic hacpar.jar
Latin1a (de, es, fr, it, pt) hacp1a.jar
Latin1b (other locales) hacp1b.jar
Russian hacpru.jar
Turkish hacptr.jar
Latin2 (Central European) hacpce.jar
Japanese hacpja.jar
Korean hacpko.jar
Chinese hacpzh.jar
Chinese (Traditional) hacpzhtw.jar
Hebrew hacphe.jar
Thai hacpth.jar
Greek hacpgr.jar
Hindi hacphi.jar

Font archives

The following table lists the archive names for the different font packages:

Font archives Name
IBM Raster Fonts hafntib.jar
Arabic hafntar.jar
Hebrew hafnthe.jar
Thai hafntth.jar

Supported languages

The following table lists the languages supported by Host On-Demand along with the jar files that contain the messages for that language. When the API is used, the Programmable Host On-Demand code detects the locale of the client machines and attempts to load the messages in that language if it is supported by Host On-Demand. If Host On-Demand does not support the client locale, it defaults to English.

Language Archive file
Simplified Chinese ha_zh.jar
Traditional Chinese ha_zh_TW.jar
Czech ha_cs.jar
Danish ha_da.jar
Dutch ha_nl.jar
English ha_en.jar
Finnish ha_fi.jar
French ha_fr.jar
German ha_de.jar
Greek ha_el.jar
Hungarian ha_hu.jar
Italian ha_it.jar
Japanese ha_ja.jar
Korean ha_ko.jar
Norwegian ha_no.jar
Polish ha_pl.jar
Brazilian Portuguese ha_pt.jar
Portuguese ha_pt_PT.jar
Russian ha_ru.jar
Slovenian ha_sl.jar
Spanish ha_es.jar
Swedish ha_sv.jar
Turkish ha_tr.jar

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