Troubleshooting Guide

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Download and Cached client troubleshooting checklist

  1. Complete the main checklist.
  2. Complete the checklist for Java 1 browsers.
  3. Complete the checklist for Java 2 browsers.
  4. Check the Web server checklist.
  5. Did installing the cached client fail when using the Mozilla browser?
  6. Are you having trouble using the Shift-Reload key combination to reload the Host On-Demand HTML file?

  1. Complete the main checklist.

    1. Use the Remove Cached Client function under Utilities from the HODMain.html Web page to remove the Cached client or Administrator client, then try to download the client again.
    2. Do you say Yes when asked if you trust content from International Business Machines?
    3. Check whether a program that disables pop-up messages has been installed on the client machine, or the if web browser has been configured to disable pop-up messages. Host On-Demand issues pop-up messages, so disabling pop-ups can cause Host On-Demand to stop processing.
    4. Does the client download hang during Java detection? If so, check to make sure the client has either Java 1 or Java 2 installed, depending on how you configure your session. Refer to the checklists for Java 1 and Java 2 for more information.
    5. Are you getting a segmentation error when trying to launch the Host On-Demand applet using a Netscape 4.x browser on a Linux machine with the 2.4 kernel? If so, upgrade your browser to either Netscape 7.x or Mozilla on Linux with a Java 2 JRE.

    6. Are you getting a blank page when trying to download the client? If so, check the Java Console for a WVolatileImage exception. If you have this exception in the stack dump, add the following command at the JRE command line:


    7. Did you encounter a blank Java Security panel when trying to download the Host On-Demand client on a Linux machine and get a code>java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet exception in the Java Console? If so, try changing the screen resolution and/or color depth used by the X11 Windowing System.
    8. Check the client workstation to make sure there is enough space on the workstation disk to store the Download or Cached client. Refer to you operating system documentation for more information.
    9. If you are using the Configuration Server, check that port 8999 is open from the client to the Service Manager machine through the network and all the firewalls in between. Refer to your firewall documentation for more information.
    10. Make sure that the browser has Java Scripting turned on and that the firewall does not block Java scripts, including any firewall software on the local client computer. Also check that anti-virus programs are not blocking Java Script process. Host On-Demand clients use Java scripting.

      For example in Internet Explorer, Select Tools > Internet Options and click the Secuity tab. For the Web content zone field, select Internet if the Host On-Demand system is accessed via the Internet, otherwise select Local intranet. Next, click the Custom Level button and enable the Scripting options.

  2. Complete the checklist for Java 1 browsers.

    1. Check the JVM level of the client's Internet Explorer browser to make sure it is at a supported level. You must have JVM level 3165 or later installed in order to use Internet Explorer with Host On-Demand V6 or later. To determine what JVM level is currently installed, you can view Internet Explorer's Java Console by selecting View > Java Console, if you have enabled the Java Console display.

      To enable the Java Console display:

      • Select Tools > Internet options.
      • On the Advanced tab, under Microsoft VM, select Java Console enabled.
      • Click Ok to save your changes.
      • Shut down and restart Windows.

      If you need to update the JVM, you can either:

      • Download an updated JVM for your installed version of Internet Explorer from Microsoft.
      • Install one of the supported levels of Internet Explorer (4.01 with SP1, 5.0 and 5.01), choose Custom Installation during installation and select Update JVM.
      Selecting a Typical Installation of Internet Explorer does not update the level of a pre-installed JVM.
    2. Use CTRL-F5, or click Refresh while holding down the shift key to force Internet Explorer to reload the page. Click Reload button while holding down the shift key to force Netscape to reload the page.
    3. Check proxy server definitions in the browser. Make sure the browser is using a valid proxy server.

      For Netscape:

      1. Select Edit > Preferences from the main menu.
      2. Click Advanced.
      3. Click Proxies. Confirm that the information is correct, or edit the information.
      4. Click OK when you are finished.

      For Internet Explorer:

      1. Select Tools > Internet Preferences from the main menu.
      2. Click the Connections tab to view connection information.
      3. Click LAN Settings. Confirm that the information is correct, or edit the information.
      4. Click OK when you are finished.
    4. If you are having difficulty loading a Host On-Demand client using the Internet Explorer browser, try the following the steps.
      Note: The following steps do not require you to be connected to the Internet. The purpose of these steps is to reset Internet Explorer and allow the Host On-Demand client to load.
      1. Clear the browser cache. For Java 1, from the Internet Explorer toolbar, select Tools > Internet Options, and then select Delete files. Be sure to check 'all offline content'.
      2. In the same Internet Options window, select Settings, then point to View objects and make sure there is no Host On-Demand object installed. These objects would have names such as 'Host On-Demand 4.0'.
      3. In the same Internet Options window, select Content and then point to Publishers. Delete International Business Machines from the list of trusted publishers.
      4. In the same Internet Options window, select Advanced, then select Restore Defaults. Click Apply and then OK.
      5. Enable the Internet Explorer Java Console. In the Same Internet Options window, click Advanced.
        1. Scroll down to the Microsoft VM section and click the three checkboxes in this section. Select the following three options:
          • Java Console Enabled
          • JIT Compiler for Virtual Machine Enabled
          • Java Logging Enabled
        2. Click Apply.
      6. Check for the browser proxy settings:
        1. Choose the Connections property page
        2. If Use a Proxy Server is checked, record the values set for proxy server on this panel.
        3. Select Advanced.
        4. On the Proxy Settings panel, record the values (if any) for the proxy address being used for each of the proxies listed.
        5. Click OK.
        6. Click OK.
        7. Click OK.
      7. On the Internet Explorer toolbar, select Help and then select About Internet Explorer. What version of IE are you using? Record this information for later use.
      8. Exit out of Internet Explorer and select My Computer on your desktop
      9. Right-mouse click your hard drive and make sure there is sufficient space for the client on your hard drive (5MB should be sufficient). Click File > Properties to determine how much disk space is available.
      10. Use the Remove Cached Client utility from the HODMain.html page, then delete any remaining partially installed files from Host On-Demand Version 5, 6, 7 or 8 clients such as the following:
        • HODDATA
        • HODCC
        • HOD_CCR.*
        • hodprint.*
        Note: Deleting these files removes your user preferences and any recorded macros.
        Note: To find out if these files exist on your PC, go to the Start menu, select Search, select Files Or Folders, type the name of the file/folder you want to search for in the Named box, select to search all your drives in the Look In box, and then click Find Now.
      11. Go to Start, select Settings, and then select Control Panel. Click Add/Remove programs and select Internet Explorer. Choose the REPAIR option. Exit out of the control program and back to your normal Desktop. Restart your PC.
        Note: This option may not be available if you are using Windows 2000 SP2. Check the Microsoft Web site on how to repair Internet Explorer when you are using Windows 2000.
    5. You may want to check the Microsoft Web site for the latest Microsoft JVM, and if it is a later version than the one you are currently using, install it. Try Internet Explorer's "Windows Update" function.

      To display the Java Console and determine the level of Java you are currently running, select View on the Internet Explorer Toolbar, then point to the Java Console. The Java Console window appears. The level is the last four digits as seen in the first line of the Java Console. For example:

      Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release

      If you decide to upgrade the code on your machine, download the build from the Microsoft Web site and save it on your PC. When the download is complete, close the browser, double click on the downloaded file, and follow the instructions for installing the JVM. You need to restart your PC to complete the installation process

      Note: Reinstalling the latest JVM sometimes resolves problems if nothing else has worked.

    If you are having difficulty loading a Host On-Demand client using a Netscape 4.7x browser, try the follow the steps.

    Note: These steps do not require you to be connected to the Internet. The purpose of these steps is to reset Netscape Navigator browser and allow the Host On-Demand client to load.
    1. Use the Remove Cached Client utility from the HODMain.html page, then delete any remaining partially installed files from Host On-Demand Version 5, 6, 7 or 8 clients such as the following
      • HODDATA
      • HODCC
      • HOD_CCR.*
      • hodprint.*
      Note: To find out if these files exist on your PC, select each of your listed hard drives under My Computer. Right-mouse click on the drive and select Search. Now search for each of the files/folders listed above. When you find one of these files, delete it.
    2. Restart the Netscape browser and press Shift+F9 or Shift+Refresh after loading the client.
    3. Delete temporary Internet files. Select Edit from the toolbar, select Preferences, select Advanced, and then select Clear Disk Cache.
    4. Record any proxy settings with which you have configured the browser. To do this, select Edit from the toolbar, select Preferences, and then select Advanced. Point to Proxies and record any proxy settings on this panel. If Manual proxy configurations is selected, then select View. Record all the values you have configured on this page.
    5. If you are using Netscape and cannot load any of the client applets after loading HODAdmin.html, or vice versa, try the following:
      • Shut down and restart the browser before you load the HOD*.html file.
      • While holding the Shift key, click Reload in the browser to load the client file.
  3. Complete the checklist for Java 2 browsers.

    1. Check the version of your Java 2 plug-in to make sure it is at a supported level listed in the Planning, Installing, and Configuring Host On-Demand guide or the Readme. If your version is not supported, you will want to upgrade to a later version of the plug-in.
    2. Check to see if you have multiple Java 2 plug-ins.

      You may have more than one Java 2 plug-in installed at the same time in your Windows operating system environment. Although you can control which plug-in level is active, we recommended that you have only one Java 2 plug-in installed when using the Host On-Demand cached client. To find out which plug-in is active, open the Windows Control Panel and double click the Java 2 plug-in Control Panel icon. Usually, you can control which Java 2 level is active on the Advanced tab, although the location may vary with different levels of Java 2.

      While most configurations with multiple Java 2 plug-ins work, if you have problems with the Host On-Demand cached client and you have multiple Java 2 plug-ins installed, follow these steps:

      1. Uninstall all the Java 2 plug-ins.
      2. Install the Java 2 plug-in that you want to use with the Host On-Demand cached client.
    3. For clients running Java 2, launch the Java Plug-in Control Panel, click the Cache tab and then the Clear button to delete any files that have been cached. Exit out of the Java Plug-in.
    4. Note: Deleting these files removes your user preferences and any recorded macros.

    5. Check the proxy settings in the Java 2 Plug-in's control panel are valid.
    6. Check if you have an SDK installed, and that classpath is pointing to the correct location.
    7. Did the plug-in completely install? Try installing the plug-in again.
    8. Check the URL listed in the browser window to make sure Host On-Demand's Java 2 page is present. The URL may show the Java 1 page. Try uninstalling all Java plug-ins and reinstall.
  4. Complete the Web server checklist.

    1. Check the Web server logs for any messages issued during the download time period. Refer to your Web server documentation for more information.
    2. Check that the zSeries Web server has been configured correctly for Host On-Demand files. For example, the *.js and the *.js files should be defined so that they are served as ASCII on zSeries. Refer to your Web server documentation for information regarding defining files. Also reference the Host On-Demand Program Directory
    3. Check that all the files and directories under the .../hod/ directory have read, write, and execute permissions. For example, on zSeries, you can use CHMOD filename 755 to set the correct permissions on the file filename. Also check /HODDATA/ and its subdirectories for the correct file permissions.
    4. For Microsoft IIS 6.0/ Win 2003 Server, verify that you have enabled all the required MIME types for the files that ship with Host On-Demand. To identify which file types lack MIME entries, review the Web server log file. Any Web server errors of 404 3 indicate the file is lacking a MIME entry. The MIME type should be added as application/octet/stream.
    5. If the Host On-Demand cached client or download client fails to download completely, such that only the Host On-Demand banner graphic and an empty (without session icons) gray Host On-Demand desktop area is displayed, or if an error message is displayed such as 'Downloaded file does not match signature', then the cause of the problem may be that the server is timing out and aborting the download. That is, because the data to be downloaded is large and because the client may be slow, a timeout value in the server associated with the download may be exceeded, causing the server to cancel the download. If this happens, make sure the Web server configuration values are large enough to allow the client the time necessary to download over the network. We suggest the following timeout values as a starting point for HTTP Web servers that are using Host On-Demand. You may need to adjust these values based on your experience and network environment. Refer to your Web server documentation for more information on setting timer values.
      • If you use the IBM HTTP Web server on the z/OS operating system, try the following timeout values:
        InputTimeout: 10 minutes
        OutputTimeout: From 20 minutes to an hour
        ScriptTimeout: 10 minutes
        PersistTimeout: 10 seconds

      • If you use the IBM HTTP Web server on a Windows operating system, try the following timeout values:
        Timeout: 1200
        KeepAlive: On
        KeepAliveTimeout: 40-60
    6. If you are using Websphere Applications Server 3.5.4 on a Windows operating system, try updating the IBM HTTP Web server component to service update or higher.

    7. If you are using an older version of IBM OS/2 HTTP Server, for example V1.3.12.2, with the Host On-Demand server, some exceptions such as NullPointerException will appear in the browser's Java Console on the client's machine. To avoid this, upgrade to a newer version of the IBM OS/2 HTTP Server, for example V1.3.20 or later. Updates are available at the IBM Software Choice Web site:
    8. Check that the HTML files you created are in the Host On-Demand publish directory (or in an alternate read/write publish directory).
  5. Did installing the cached client fail when using the Mozilla browser?

    With the Mozilla browser, if nothing happens when you try to install the cached client, or if the attempt to install the cached client fails, check the browser configuration. Make sure that Mozilla is not configured to suppress popup windows that appear on top of or under the Navigator window. This setting prevents the Host On-Demand cached client from being installed.

    This location of this setting depends on the version of Mozilla:

    After the cached client is installed you can restore this setting to suppress popup windows. But if you need to install the entire cached client again, you must again set Mozilla so that it does not suppress popup windows.

    The setting to suppress popup windows does not hinder the following operations with the cached client:

  6. Are you having trouble using the Shift-Reload key combination to reload the Host On-Demand HTML file?

    If you use Netscape 4.7x with the cached client, avoid using the key combination Shift-Reload to reload the Host On-Demand HTML page. If you use this key combination, the Host On-Demand applet cannot load and you must restart your browser. Close your browser, restart it, and point it to the Host On-Demand server to continue.

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