
Changing the administrator user ID and password

To change the administrator user ID and password, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Users/Groups in the Administration window.
  2. Right-click the Administrator ID from the User list and click Properties.
  3. Type the new User ID (you can do this only for the administrator account).
  4. Optionally, change the description.
  5. Optionally, type a password and its confirmation.
  6. Click OK.

Creating a new administrator user ID and password

If you forget your administrator password, complete the following steps to create a new user ID and password.

  1. In Host On-Demand install\HostOnDemand\private on the Host On-Demand server, where Host On-Demand install is your Host On-Demand installation directory, open ConfigAgentParms.Data in a text editor.
  2. Look for the following line:
    ADMIN=WriteUserFolders admin|password

    This line contains the default administrator ID and password, which are admin and password. Your current password is not saved in this file.

  3. To add a new administrator ID, type a second name and password after the default ID and password, for example:
    ADMIN=WriteUserFolders admin|password admin1|testpw
  4. Save the file to its original directory on the Host On-Demand server.
  5. Restart the Host On-Demand Service Manager.

You can now log on to Host On-Demand Administration using the new administrator ID and password. According to the example, use the ID admin1 and the password testpw.