
Multiple Session Icon Overview

A multiple session icon starts more than one previously configured session at a time. For example, you can create a multiple session icon that starts a 5250 emulator session and a 5250 host print session together. A multiple session icon can't start other multiple session icons. You can export and import multiple session icons, but the sessions that are started by the multiple session icon are not exported or imported along with it. Export or import those sessions separately.

To create a multiple session icon:

  1. Open the Administration window.
  2. Right click on a group or a user and select Sessions.
  3. Click Multiple Sessions.
    If no sessions have been previously configured you will see an error message stating that you must configure sessions before creating a multiple session icon.
  4. Type a name for the multiple session icon in the multiple sessions window.
  5. Select a session to add to the multiple session by clicking on a previously created session in the "Sessions" box to highlight the session, then click "Add". The name of the session will be added to the "Start Sessions" box. To remove a session from the multiple session, click on the session in the "Start Sessions" box to highlight it and then click "Remove".

    If you delete or rename a session that is part of a multiple session, a message is displayed that the session is part of a multiple session icon and won't be started by the multiple session icon any longer. You can cancel the delete or rename action, or continue.

  6. Click "OK" when you are finished.

The multiple session icon stores a list of the names of the sessions that it starts. If each session listed in a multiple session group has been configured with a session ID in the Start Options window, the sessions are started in session ID order. If no session IDs are specified, the sessions will be started in the order they are added to the multiple session icon.

If a session can't be found (if it was renamed or deleted) it is not started, but Host On-Demand does not notify you that the session could not be found. If none of the sessions in the list can be found, Host On-Demand does display a message stating that none of the sessions exist.

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