
File Name and Output Format

Page Title

Specify the title of the HTML file. This appears in the title bar of the browser window.

This does not apply to portlets.

If you select the Web Start client, you should avoid using the following characters in the Page Title since they are reserved characters in XML:
  • &
  • <
  • >
  • \
  • '

If you use these characters, Host On-Demand substitutes the appropriate entity in the title.

File Name

Specify the name of the HTML file, the zip file, and/or the portlet to create. Select Browse to change the directory.

In order to support clients whose computers have file systems that do not handle file names greater than eight characters (such as FAT-16), it is recommended that you keep the names of your Web pages to eight characters or less. A computer with this type of file system will not be able to run local preference Web pages that have names greater than eight characters.

The default directory for a full Host On-Demand installation is the Publish directory. For a standalone Deployment Wizard installation, the default is the root directory on the drive where the Deployment Wizard is installed.


Select the output directory for the HTML file, the zip file, and/or the portlet.


Select one or more of the following output formats:

Output HTML

Creates the set of Deployment Wizard-generated files. This format is required for use by the Web server. (Recommended if you are using the Deployment Wizard on your Host On-Demand server machine.)

Output Zip

Creates a zip file of the Deployment Wizard-generated files. This format is required for use with DWunzip, which is a tool that runs on the Host On-Demand server that can be used to install the Deployment Wizard-generated files. Refer to Using DWunzip for more details about DWunzip. (Recommended if you are not running the Deployment Wizard on your Host On-Demand server and will need to move the created files to another server.)

Output Portlet

Creates a portlet for Portal Server, which is a component of WebSphere Portal. For an overview of how to use Host On-Demand as a portlet, refer to the Using Host On-Demand Clients with Portal Server section in the Planning, Installing, and Configuring Host On-Demand guide.

If you select Output Portlet, you need to configure additional parameters.

If you select Web Start client on the Additional Options window, Output Portlet is disabled.

PAR vs WAR: Portal Server requires portlets to be in a portlet archive (PAR) file format for versions 2.1 and earlier. For versions 4.1 and later, Portal Server requires portlets to be in a web application archive (WAR) file format. The default format is WAR. Refer to the WebSphere Portal Server Web site for details.

Portlet Details: This button contains the following optional fields that may be configured for the Host On-Demand portlet. The default portal locale is the same as the system locale that is used when running the Deployment Wizard, and the values of that locale are displayed. Note that the Portal administrator may change these fields once the portlet has been installed.

Title: Specify a title for the portlet.

Short Title: Specify an abbreviated title for the portlet.

Description: Provide a description of the portlet.

Keywords: Provide keywords associated with your portlet.

HOD Server URL: Because the Host On-Demand portlet runs within Portal Server, the Portal Server needs to be able to locate the Host On-Demand Server. The URL that you specify here must identify the Host On-Demand publish directory. An example HOD Server URL is, where server_name is the name of the server where Host On-Demand is installed. You are not required to enter a value for this field since it can be modified by a Portal Server administrator once the portlet has been installed. This field is a configuration parameter of the generated portlet and is named hodCodeBase.


Shows the major Deployment Wizard options that were selected for this HTML file/zip file/portlet. Click Details to view all the options selected. To see DBCS in the detail dialogue comments, make sure you are using an editor program that supports UTF-8 encoding.