
Entry Assist tab

The Entry Assist (DOC mode) features make it easier to edit text documents in a 3270 Display session. These features are similar to the entry assist features in the IBM Personal Communications program product.
  • New settings do not become effective until you click OK.
  • These Entry Assist features are available only for a 3270 Display session.
  • Users running the Alternate Terminal user interface do not have access to this tab.
  • DOC Mode
    This check box enables or disables all the settings on the Entry Assist tab.

    When you enable the settings the DOC indicator is displayed in positions 67-69 of the Operator Information Area. See Understanding the OIA.

    Note When DOC Mode is enabled all the pasting functions on the Paste tab are ignored. See Pasting in DOC mode.
    Tip You can assign a key to the DOC Mode function so that pressing the key enables or disables the DOC Mode. To assign a key to the DOC Mode function click Edit > Preferences > Keyboard, click Host Functions, and assign a key to Document Mode function.
    Word Wrap
    This checkbox enables word wrap. When word wrap is enabled a word that is being typed at the right margin is moved in its entirety to the first unprotected field in the next row, provided that the unprotected field has enough blank space (spaces and nulls) at the left to contain the word. The area on the previous row vacated by the word is filled with spaces.

    When word wrap is disabled:
                             Look in the diction
                             ary, please.

    When word wrap is enabled:
                             Look in the
                             dictionary, please.

    If the unprotected field does not have enough blank space at the left to contain the word then the word is not moved. The effect is the same as if word wrap were not enabled.

    When Word Wrap is enabled the Word Wrap indicator is displayed in position 71 of the Operator Information Area. See Understanding the OIA.

    Start Column and End Column
    These settings control the left margin and right margin for DOC mode. For example, you might set the left margin to 10 and the right margin to 60.

    If insert mode is off then:

    If insert mode is on (a ^ is displayed at position 52 in the Operator Information Area) then:

    New Line key:
    If you press the key for New Line (the default key assignment for New Line is Shift-Enter) then the cursor will skip to the first unprotected character position in the next row (or in a subsequent row if necessary) that lies within the margins.

    Tab Stops
    Use this field to set tab stops. Type into this field the numbers of the columns that you want to be tab stops, separated by commas. For example: 5,10,15,20,25

    When tab stops are set pressing the tab key causes the cursor to skip to one of the following, whichever comes first:

    Characters skipped over as the result of a tab key are not set to blanks.
    Characters that lie within an unprotected field and that the cursor skips over as the result of a tab key are not set to blanks. Exception: nulls that the cursor skips over as the result of a tab key are set to blanks.

    Nulls in an unprotected field straddling a margin:
    When the tab key causes the cursor to skip to the left margin of the next line, and an unprotected field straddles the left margin, nulls that lie outside the left margin in the unprotected field are converted to spaces.

    However, when the tab key causes the cursor to skip to the next line, and an unprotected field straddles the right margin of the preceding line, nulls that lie outside the right margin in the unprotected field are not converted to spaces.

    Enable Audible End of Line Signal
    This check box enables or disables the sounding of an audible signal when the cursor enters the column set for the End of Line Signal Column.

    If the client platform is Windows and SoundSentry is enabled then the configured SoundSentry signal occurs (such as flashing the active caption bar).

    End of Line Signal Column
    Type into this field the number of the column at which you want the audible signal for the end of line to be sounded.

    Normally you would type in a value that would cause the audible signal to occur when the cursor approached the right margin. For example, if the right margin is 70 you might set the End of Line Signal Column to 65.

    Pasting in DOC Mode

    When DOC Mode is enabled all the pasting functions on the Paste tab are ignored and pasting is done as follows:

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