
Running external commands after host print jobs

You can run external commands after each of your host print jobs have completed. On the Printer tab on the host printer session:

If the created file contains binary formatting instructions such as escape sequences, it is important to send the file to the printer in binary mode. Make sure to check the correct command syntax prior to usage.
Files are not erased even after the command execution has completed. You must either:

Availability of the lpr client software

The previous examples included the use of the lpr command. The lpr command allows you to send print jobs to printers shared by lpd if the lpr client software is installed.

The lpr client software is available on:

Unix (AIX, Linux, etc.), OS/2, and Windows 2000
The lpr client is usually installed by default.

Windows 95/98/Me
Microsoft does not provide the lpr client for Windows 95, 98 and Me. In order to use lpr, you must install third party lpr client software.

Windows NT 4.0
The lpr client software can be installed by installing the TCP/IP Printing services:

The lpr command accepts different parameters on the various operating systems. Check the lpr documenation of your operating system for the appropriate parameters.

Printing from DOS to a PPA printer (HP Desk Jet 700 series)

By configuring an external command to run after print jobs, you can also print to a PPA printer (for example, the HP Desk Jet 700 series) from DOS. This procedure works for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95 and 98, whether you are directly connected to the printer or printing to a shared PPA printer with net use. You need to disable bidirectional communication and the launch Toolbox when printing features from the printer's configuration menu by following these steps:

  1. Click Start > Run.

  2. Type HPFCFG14 and click OK. If HPFCFG14 does not work, try either HPFCFG06 or HPFCFG13.

  3. In the HP DeskJet Configuration dialog box, click Continue.

  4. Click on Bidirectional Communication and Launch Toolbox When Printing to clear these options, then click OK.

  5. Click Return to Windows.

  6. Click Start > Run.

  7. Type HPFDJC14.INI and click OK. If your system cannot find HPFDJC14.INI, try either HPFDJC06.INI or HPFDJC13.INI.

  8. If you have the version 10.3 driver in the HP DeskJet 700 series, change the DSMEnable parameter from either DSMEnable=0100 or DSMEnable=0200 to DSMEnable=0000.

  9. Click File and Save

  10. Exit and restart Windows.

Now print the files using the Copy command to lpt1. For example, copy file.prt lpt1