

Fixed Font
Fixed Font Size
Font Name
Font Style

Fixed Font
A font that, when applied to screen display characters, never changes in size, despite manipulations of the active display window.

Fixed Font Size
The fixed size you apply to your display font if you have selected Yes for the Fixed Font option.

Font Name
The type of font used to display characters on the screen. The choices are: Monospaced, Courier, IBM3270, ARB3270 (Arabic), HEB3270 (Hebrew) and THA3270 (Thai). The 3270 fonts are very similar to the sans-serif default font used by Personal Communications.

The default is Monospaced.

Font Style
Choose Plain, Italic, or Bold.

The default is Plain.

Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu or tool bar can be changed.