

Layout View
Confirm on Exit
Toolbar Text
Status Bar
Transfer List Manager

Layout View
Determines which of two graphical views your FTP session has at startup. You can change the Layout View on the session menu under View. Both views list file name, size, date and attributes. Valid values are:

Side by Side View
Provides a view of the remote and local file systems in two separate window panels adjacent to each other, with the remote file system on the left and the local file system on the right. When the FTP client window is resized, the file lists are automatically resized.

Stacked View
Provides a view of the remote and local file systems in two separate panels on top of each other, with the local file system on top of the remote file system. When the FTP client window is resized, the file lists are automatically resized.

The default view is Side by Side.

Confirm on Exit
Select Yes if you want a warning message to appear when a user attempts to close a session. If users select File > Exit, close a session window, exit from the toolbar, or right-click the left corner of the session window, a window appears asking if they really want to exit. If the user clicks OK, the session ends. If the user clicks Cancel or closes the window, the session remains open and unchanged. If the user closes the browser window, no exit warnings appear.

The default is No.

Determines whether the Toolbar is visible on the screen. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

The default is Yes (visible).

Toolbar Text
Determines whether the text that explains the purpose of each toolbar button is visible on the toolbar buttons. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

The default is No (not visible).

Status Bar
Determines whether the status bar is visible at the bottom of the screen when the session starts. The Status Bar displays connection status messages and toolbar button descriptions. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen. The status bar displays all FTP commands and responses.

The default is Yes (visible).

Transfer List Manager
Select Yes if you want the Transfer List Manager toolbar to be visible on the screen when the session starts. You can also display or hide the Transfer List Manager toolbar from the View menu.

The Transfer List Manager allows you to create and transfer a list of files or directories.

The default is No (not visible).

Lock (Host On-Demand Administrator only)
Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.