
Print Setup window

During an active session, choose File > Print Screen Setup > Print Setup to access the following options:

The Print Setup and Page Setup options are only applicable to browsers that support Java 2.


Lets you specify the text of a header that appears at the top margin of a printed screen.  

The horizontal alignment of the header.  Can be one of the following:
Aligned with the left margin.
Aligned with the right margin
Centered between the left and right margins
The header text.  Headers can include automatically updated page numbers, dates, times, and so forth; see Special header and footer characters for a complete list.
When Alternate Terminal is enabled, the print preview function does not show header text.


Lets you specify the text of a footer that appears at the bottom margin of a printed screen.  

The horizontal alignment of the footer.  Can be one of the following:
Aligned with the left margin.
Aligned with the right margin
Centered between the left and right margins
The footer text.  Footers can include automatically updated page numbers, dates, times, and so forth; see Special header and footer characters for a complete list.
When Alternate Terminal is enabled, the print preview function does not show footer text.

Special header and footer characters

A set of predefined special characters allows you to include times, dates, page numbers, and other characters in headers and footers. 

Character Printed as
&d or &D The current date.  The date format depends on your NLS locale.   (For example, the date format for the en_US locale is dd-mmm-yy.)  
&t or &T The current time. The time format depends on your NLS locale.  (For example, the date format for the en_US locale is hh:mm:ss AM/PM.)  
&p or &P The current page number.
&n or &N The newline character.  This is especially useful for creating space between the header and screen image.
&& The ampersand (&) character.

Suppress print dialog when printing

Select Yes to suppress the display of the Print dialog when you print a screen. The Print dialog will only appear when you first print a screen, to enable you to set printer attributes.

Select No to have the Print window appear every time you print a screen.


Click this button to display the standard Print window for your platform. This button is enabled only in a running session.

Page Setup

Click this button to display the Page Setup window, enabling you to specify the paper type, page orientation and margins for your printouts.

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