
Host On-Demand Entry readme

Host On-Demand Entry provides a subset of the functions available in Host On-Demand and is available to those who purchase IBM Communications Servers.

Host On-Demand Entry is a client only; it does not include any Host On-Demand server capability.

For the latest information, visit the U.S. or Japanese Host On-Demand Web sites.

  • Prerequisites
  • What is included in Host On-Demand Entry
  • What is included in full-function Host On-Demand
  • Using Host On-Demand Entry
  • Configuring sessions using HTML
  • Prerequisites

    Before you can use Host On-Demand Entry, you must have:

    What is included in Host On-Demand Entry

    NOTE: With Host On-Demand Entry, you can start a maximum of two sessions at one time.

    What is included in full-function Host On-Demand

    The full-function version of Host On-Demand includes many features not found in the Entry version.

    Some of the features found only in the full-function Host On-Demand are:

    Full-Function Host On-Demand

    Host On-Demand is a Java-based, function-rich product that allows you to integrate Web-to-host access through a Web browser. Host On-Demand is not just an emulator; it is an industrial-strength, client-communication platform that provides secure access to host data, using standard emulation capabilities. It also provides:

    Host On-Demand is a complete solution that allows Host On-Demand Server administrators to easily set up the access required by their end users.

    To purchase Host On-Demand, contact your IBM sales representative.

    Using Host On-Demand Entry

    To use Host On-Demand Entry:

    1. Make sure the directory in which you have installed HOD Entry has been published (made available to Web users). The suggested alias for the path to the published directory is /hod.
    2. Load HODEntry.html; for example, if the name of your server is myserver, the URL is:
    3. Select 3270 Display, 5250 Display, or VT Display.
    4. On each tab, change the required information.
    5. Click Start Session to start the session.

    Configuring sessions using HTML

    You can configure and launch a Host On-Demand Entry session entirely through the HTML file.

    To create an HTML page:

    1. Open HODEntry.html with an ASCII text editor.

    2. Change the <Applet> tag to:
      <APPLET archive="hodlight.jar" CODE="" WIDTH=584 HEIGHT=450>

    3. Add or change additional parameter values as necessary.

    4. Save your changes and copy the file to the publish directory on your Web server.

    5. Test the page to verify that it works correctly.

    If you are configuring a new session in this way, you need to include only the parameters you want to change from the default values.

    <Applet> Tag Parameters

    Parameter name Description Valid values Default value
    SessionName The name you want to assign to this session; it appears at the top of the window Any string None
    Host Host name or IP address of the target telnet server Host name or IP address None
    WorkstationID Name of this workstation Unique name for this workstation None
    SessionType The type of session you want to configure 1 = 3270
    2 = 5250
    3 = VT
    SessionID The short name you want to assign to this session; it appears in the OIA. It must be unique to this configuration. One character A
    Port The port number on which the target telnet server is listening Any valid TCP/IP port number 23
    TNEnhanced Enable TN3270E support true, false true
    LUName The name of the LU or LU Pool, defined at the target server, to which you want this session to connect. If you do not specify this, the session connects to the first available LU. The name of an LU or LU Pool None
    ScreenSize The number of rows and columns on the screen 2 = 24x80
    3 = 32x80 (3270 only)
    4 = 43x80 (3270 only)
    5 = 27x132 (3270, 5250 only)
    6 = 24x132 (VT only)
    CodePage The code page of the system to which the session will connect A supported host code page 037 (z/OS and iSeries)
    United States (VT)
    AutoConnect The session connects automatically when it starts true, false true
    AutoReconnect The session reconnects automatically if the link recovers after failure true, false true
    OIAVisible The OIA (operator information area) is visible in the session window true = On
    false = Off
    Keypad The keypad is visible in the session window true = Show the keypad
    false = Do not show the keypad
    Toolbar The toolbar is visible in the session window. true = Show the toolbar
    false = Do not show the toolbar
    ToolbarText Show text that explains the purpose of each toolbar button true = Show the text
    false = Do not show the text
    VTTerminalType (VT only) The terminal-type required by the server to which the session will connect 1 = VT420_7_BIT
    2 = VT420_8_BIT
    3 = VT100
    4 = VT52
    VTNewLine (VT only) New-line operation true = CR
    false = CRLF
    VTBackspace (VT only) Backspace mode true = Delete
    false = Backspace
    VTLocalEcho (VT only) Local-echo mode true = On
    false = Off
    VTCursor (VT only) Cursor mode true = Application
    false = Normal
    VTKeypad (VT only) Keypad mode true = Application
    false = Normal
    VTAutowrap (VT only) Auto-wrap true = On
    false = Off
    LightPenMode Light-pen support true = On
    false = Off
    Embedded Run the session embedded in an HTML page or in a separate window true = Run embedded within the browser page
    false = Run in a separate window
    NumeralShape (bidirectional only) Numeral Shape NOMINAL, NATIONAL, CONTEXTUAL NOMINAL
    TextType (bidirectional only) Text type VISUAL, LOGICAL VISUAL
    TextOrientation (bidirectional only) Text Orientation LEFTTORIGHT, RIGHTTOLEFT LEFTTORIGHT
    printDestination Choose whether the output should go to a printer or to a file. When true, it goes to printer. true, false true
    printerName The name of the port for the printer to be used. Any valid printer names LPT1
    printFileName The path and name of the file when the print destination is a file. Any valid path name none
    separateFiles When the print destination is a file, choose whether you want to save each print job to a unique file or have jobs appended to each other in one file. true, false false