
Saving Keyboard and Toolbar configuration components

You can save keyboard and toolbar definitions to either the current session or a file on your local system. The current keyboard and toolbar settings in your session are selected by default. The capability to save a keyboard or toolbar definition file to your local system is a new feature available with Host On-Demand Version 8.

The default save location for keyboard and toolbar definition files is the HODObjs subdirectory. The file field on both the Toolbar File Options-Save As and Keyboard File Options-Save As windows is already populated with the path to this directory, which depends on your platform and level of Java.

If you save your files to a different location than the default HODObjs directory, you can either manually type the full path in the file field or browse to a new location. If you manually type the file name in the field and do not specify a .kmp extension for keyboard definition files or a .bar extension for toolbar definition files, Host On-Demand will append the file extensions to the file you specify. For example, if you name your toolbar definition file.txt, Host On-Demand saves it as If you name it, the file name will not change when you save it.

Related topics

  • Opening Keyboard and Toolbar configuration components