Tutorial on configuring the SSH client

Default value used when an Export Public Key parameter is blank

The table below shows the default value that the Export Public Key utility uses if the value for the parameter is blank in the SSH configuration window.

Input field: Default value that the Export Public Key utility uses, if the input field is left blank:
KeyStore File Path
  • File path: The value specified in the Java system property user.home. Click here for information on determining the value of user.home on a client system.
  • File name: .keystore
  • KeyStore Password No default value. If this field is blank then the Export Public Key utility prompts you for the keystore password.
    Public Key Alias mykey
    Public Key Alias Password The Export Public Key utility first tries the value for the Keystore Password. If this value fails, then the Export Public Key utility prompts you for the key alias password.