Web Express Logon Tutorial


Using the password encryption tool

Host On-Demand provides a password encryption tool so you can encrypt your passwords for added security. Itis a command-line tool that allows you to generate a file that stores the encrypted password, which you must then copy to the appropriate place in the web.xml file. The Host Credential plug-in decrypts the password before using it.

If you create a custom Host Credential plug-in, the plug-in should use the com.ibm.eNetwork.HOD.common.PasswordCipher object to decrypt the password. The CLASS file for this object is included in WAR file. Refer to Custom Credential Mapper Servlet response object for a description of the encrypt and decrypt methods.

Windows platforms

Using a DOS prompt, change the current directory to the Host On-Demand's bin directory and type the following command:

encrypt <password> [filename]

where password is the password to be encrypted and filename is the name of the file that you want to store the encrypted password. The default filename is password.txt.

Unix platforms

Issue the following command:

cd your_install_dir
Java -classpath .;your_install_dir\lib\sm.zip \
com.ibm.eNetwork.security.sso.cms.tools.Encrypt <password> [filename]

where your_install_directory is your Host On-Demand installation directory, password is the password to be encrypted, and filename is the name of the file that you want to store the encrypted password. The default filename is password.txt.