ZipPrint Tutorial

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Topic Topic 9 - The NoteView sample application profile

The remainder of this section of the tutorial describes step-by-step how to configure a sample application profile with the name NoteView.

The NoteView application profile is written to print a note that is being displayed by the OfficeVision note viewer application. Yes, this is same note viewer application for which the sample application profile OVNote (provided by ZipPrint) was written. Nevertheless, this tutorial re-uses the note viewer as an application for a sample profile because the note viewer is one of the very few 3270 Display applications to which all customers are likely to have access. Also, the Printing Range parameters of the NoteView application profile are different from those of the OVNote application profile.

To understand the steps in creating the NoteView application profile, you do not have to actually run the note viewer itself. However, to test the NoteView application profile, you must be able to run the note viewer. Click here for instructions on running the note viewer.

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