ZipPrint Tutorial

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Topic Topic 17 - NoteView: More about the Top String parameter

1. String value

When you specify the String value for the Top String parameter:

2. Row and column values

When you specify the row and column values for the Top String parameter:

3. Top string occurs on more than one page

If your document could contain the Top String not only on page 1 but also on some other page (that is, the same string could appear in the same row and column location on some other page), then you should consider going to page 1 of the document before starting a ZipPrint. The next paragraph explains why this is a good idea.

When you start a ZipPrint, ZipPrint checks for the Top String by paging backward through the document from the current location until it finds a page that contains the specified string in the specified position. For example, suppose that you are viewing page 7 of a 10-page document:

Because ZipPrint stops paging backward as soon as it finds a page that contains the Top String, and prints the document starting with that page, you should position the document to page 1 before starting ZipPrint, if it is possible that the Top String occurs on another page besides page 1.

4. Top string not found

If you make an error in specifying a Top String (for example, if one of the characters you specify is incorrect) then when you try to print the document with ZipPrint, ZipPrint can page backward all the way to page 1 of the document without ever finding the Top String. At this point, the ZipPrint macro becomes stuck in the following loop:

While the ZipPrint macro is stuck in this loop, the status field of the Operator Information Area (OIA) on the last row of the screen continues to flash with input inhibited error indicators until the macro times out (about 60 seconds). The following error message is displayed:
Error: Macro Timed Out

In this situation, you should wait until ZipPrint times out, clear the error message, and then correct the problem in the application profile.

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