IBM Rational Change 5.2 readme
IBM Corporation
2 June, 2009

This file contains last-minute product information and updates to IBM® Rational® Change 5.2.

It is divided into the following sections:

For the latest news and information on Rational Change, visit the Web site at

System requirements

To run Rational Change 5.2 server you need:

To run Rational Change 5.2 client you need:

Operating System Browser
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows XP Professional SP3
Citrix® Xenapp 5.0 on Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit)
VMware ESX Server 3.5 running Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit)
Internet Explorer® 6 SP2 or 7.0
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition SP1 Internet Explorer 7.0
IBM AIX 6.1 Firefox® 2.0
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Solaris 10
SUSE Linux 10 SP2 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows Vista Enterprise SP1
Windows XP Professional SP3
Firefox 3.0

Note: Rational Change uses a Java™ applet as part of its integration with Rational Synergy (to launch Rational Synergy dialogs, such as history and compare, from show forms and reports). Java 6 or higher is required on the client machine to use this feature.

For additional information on system requirements, including recommended configurations, visit the Rational Support Web site at:

Operating system locales supported by Rational Change 5.2

The following locale information is only applicable when running with Rational Synergy 7.1; disregard if using Rational Synergy 6.6a.

Rational Change is certified only in the C locale. IBM supports use in any locale using the Latin-1 character set or the Windows extension CP 1252; however, such locales have not been tested. Use in locales using non-Latin-1 character sets is not supported. Rational Change provides configurable date formats that are independent of locale; it does not adapt messages, numeric formats, or sorting orders according to the locale.

Compatible products

Rational Change 5.2 can interoperate with the following servers in a central server cluster:

Installing Rational Change 5.2

Login to IBM Passport Advantage to download platform-specific installation images for Rational Change or to request a physical media kit.

If the installation image is in the .tar format, extract it as follows:

  1. Set the CCM_HOME environment variable to point to your Rational Synergy installation.
  2. $CCM_HOME/bin/util/bsdtar xf archive-filename

See the IBM Rational Change Installation Guide for detailed directions about installing Rational Change.

Obtaining a license for Rational Change 5.2

A Change 5.1 license for a stand-alone server or a central server without any remote servers is compatible with Rational Change 5.2. In all other cases, a new license is required.

Rational Change 5.2 uses the Rational License Server TL, which is a FLEXlm-based license server that manages licenses for various Rational products. You must upgrade or install the Rational License Server TL 2.0 to use Rational Change 5.2. See Rational Lifecycle Solutions Licensing for detailed information.

What's new in version 5.2

Known problems

Visit the IBM Support site for an updated list of known problems.

Fixed problems

Visit the IBM Support site for a list of problems fixed in Rational Change 5.2.

Contacting Support

Please visit our Telelogic support overview site at:
You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.


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