IBM Rational XDE Model Import Feature - Release notes

For IBM Rational Software Architect, Version 6.0 / IBM Rational Software Modeler, Version 6.0

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005. All Rights Reserved.

To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at

Table of contents

1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
   2.1 Hardware requirements
   2.2 Software requirements
3.0 Fixes in this release
4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
5.0 Contacting customer support
6.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

The IBM® Rational XDE™ Model Import feature provides you with the ability to move existing Rational® XDE models, along with any custom UML profiles you may have created and applied to those models, into either IBM Rational Software Architect or IBM Rational Software Modeler using the Rational XDE Model Import wizard.

This release includes the following updates and capabilities:

2.0 Installation information

For information about installing the Rational XDE Model Import feature, refer to the Installation instructions (

2.1 Hardware requirements

This feature has no additional hardware requirements.

2.2 Software requirements

This feature can be installed for use with version 6.0 of either IBM Rational Software Architect or IBM Rational Software Modeler. Before you install this feature, you must install IBM Rational Software Architect Fix Pack or IBM Rational Software Modeler Fix Pack

This feature offers support for the import of Rational XDE models used in Rational XDE Version 2003.06.12 or later. To determine the package and build ID of Rational XDE that you currently have installed, run the Rational Software Installed Product Information utility by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational Software Installed Product Information.

3.0 Fixes in this release

The following fixes are included in this release of the Rational XDE Model Import feature.

Defect Description
141973 When certain undirected associations were migrated, the names of the association ends were missing from the migrated diagrams. This has been fixed.
142077 Migration of diagrams containing association classes would sometimes result in an internal error message about not being able to create the view for the association class on the migrated diagram. This has been fixed.
142088 Default values for attributes of classifiers were sometimes not displayed on migrated diagrams. This has been fixed for many cases, so that default values for attributes are displayed once again. This could not be fixed for all cases because Rational XDE and Rational modeling products use different mechanisms for controlling the display of default values of attributes.
142110 If neither end of an XDE constrain relationship was a constraint, then the relationship was not being migrated at all. This has been changed so that the relationship is now migrated as a dependency with a «constrain» keyword.
142216 Items that were grouped together on Rational XDE diagrams were not being imported. Those items are now imported, though the grouping is lost.
142231 When one end of a connector on an XDE diagram was the view of an element that could not be found, XDE Model Import was reporting an internal error and was not migrating the connector. This has been changed so that XDE Model Import now reports an unresolved reference error and draws a rectangle on the diagram as a placeholder for the missing element.
1081692 Behaviored classifiers (such as activity graphs and state machines) that were owned by use-case elements in XDE were being reparented during import so that they were owned by the use-case element’s containing package. This has been fixed, so the behaviored classifiers are now owned by the migrated use-case element, just as they were in XDE.

4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

This release note includes release-specific problems and limitations.

Defect Description

XDE Import Report projects cannot be opened by double-clicking them.

Workaround: To open the report, right-click the report project, and then click the Open XDE Import Report menu item.


The XDE import report often contains hyperlinks to model elements. Clicking the link will not work correctly if the model containing the model element is closed. Newly imported models are normally closed after being imported, so this will be a common situation.

Workaround: Click the link a second time to jump to the element.

1081402 Notes and text that are positioned above lifelines on sequence diagrams in XDE will be moved onto the lifelines when the model is imported.

In addition, this release includes the following limitation:

5.0 Contacting customer support 

The product home page for Rational Software Modeler is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page (

The product home page for Rational Software Architect is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page (

6.0 Notices and trademarks

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