Fixes Defects: PM68068,PM70008,PM74104,PM75831,PM77148,PM79401,PM79987,PM80098,PM80132,PM80135,PM80146,PM80254,PM80289,PM80724,PM80966 This patch contains the following software changes: PM68068: Problem: When using ClearCase to access cleartext files over NFSv4 on RHEL6.3 systems, the user would receive ENOTDIR errors. Fix: ClearCase MVFS file opens are now correctly handled over NFSv4. PM70008: Problem: When output of 'cleartool desc -fmt' exceeds 153kb, output is truncated and customer is not aware of the truncation. Fix: The buffer is now expanded as needed so that all data is returned/displayed. PM74104: Problem: clearimport will crash or have a segmentation fault when metadata is imported that contains new line characters. Fix: clearimport now handles metadata that contains new line characters. PM75831: Problem: "cleartool ln -s" does not report an existing view private link as an error. ClearCase creates the symbolic link and it is eclipsed by the view private one. Fix: An error will now be displayed indicating that the file already exists. PM77148: Problem: ClearCase Mainframe Connectors exhibits poor performance while listing files and locating files on z/OS z1.11 (and before) when not using IBM-1047 server code page. Fix: A single handler converting from IBM-1047 to specified server code page is now used. PM79401: Problem: ClearCase using Flex/LM licensing does not properly handle user-names containing upper-case characters. Fix: ClearCase licensing code has been fixed to properly handle user-names containing upper-case characters. PM79987: Problem: Abe processes may crash when idle for too long and it gets timed out. Fix: File I/O is now properly handled. PM80098: Problem: Files with the same name can not be added to source control into different libraries using ClearCase Mainframe Connectors. Fix: Files with the same name can now be added to source control into different libraries using ClearCase Mainframe Connectors. PM80132: Problem: ClearTeam Explorer checkin/checkout operations on the version tree node run on the last selected navigator tree node Fix: The fix clears the previous selection in any other ClearTeam Explorer view and honors the current selection in Version Tree PM80135: Problem: ClearTeam Explorer operations on multiple fragments incorrectly considers selections in multiple eclipse views Fix: Operations on multiple fragments now correctly consider selections in multiple eclipse views. PM80146: Problem: Multiple checkouts of RSARTE model fragments should be prevented in ClearTeam Explorer. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer no longer allows multiple checkouts of RSARTE model fragments. PM80254: Problem: A Linux system would panic if a remote user accessed files in a vob using non-ClearCase access. Fix: Fixes a problem in which a Linux system would panic if a remote user accessed files in a vob using non-ClearCase access. PM80289: Problem: Incorrect menu options available when selecting multiple fragments in ClearTeam Explorer Fix: Action enablement is made aware of logical resources containing multiple selected fragments underneath them. PM80724: Problem: New shared library causes segmentation fault in CtCmd Fix: CtCmd was re-linked with the new shared library. PM80966: Problem: Using clearfsimport to import files from a ClearCase copyarea (view directory structure containing the following files .copyarea.dat, .copyarea.db and/or .copyarea.lck) can cause havoc with the ClearCase environment. Fix: clearfsimport has been modified so that copyarea files will be skipped during the import process into a ClearCase VOB and a warning message will be displayed.