Fixes Defects: PI44086,PI54717,PI58169,PI61943,PI62445,PI64067 This patch contains the following software changes: PI44086: Problem: Running Oracle queries that contain extremely long SQL statements can crash Clearquest processes (clearquest,.exe, cqrpc.exe...) and/or irreversibly sever the Oracle connection. Fix: If a lengthy SQL query is run in ClearQuest against Oracle, it will no longer crash the process regardless of its size. If the query is large enough that it causes an "Oracle Connection is Dead" server error, the user will be warned appropriately and the database connection will be re-established. PI54717: Problem: ClearQuest Web restricted users who are not allowed to submit records are able to create new queries. Fix: ClearQuest Web restricted users who are not allowed to submit records are no longer allowed to create new queries either. PI58169: Problem: A ClearQuest security vulnerability was found. Fix: A ClearQuest security vulnerability was fixed. PI61943: Problem: Sometimes the ClearQuest prefilled creation dialog through OSLC will fail to pre-populate the expected fields. This often happens if the browser cache is cleared or the "reloadinprogress" cookie is deleted from the browser. Fix: Prefill of the creation ClearQuest dialog through OSLC now behaves as expected. PI62445: Problem: Opening ClearQuest Web records that contain ListViews (which are explicitly configured to load on demand by a ListView query) can sometimes cause NullPointerExceptions. Fix: The conditions that caused a ClearQuest Web null pointer exception have been corrected and the error no longer occurs. PI64067: Problem: If the ClearQuest Web session time-out is set to a higher value than the license-time out, licenses for inactive CQ Web sessions are only released when the CQ session time-out occurs and not after the (earlier) license time-out. This could cause CQ Web users to consume too many licenses during busy times of the day. Fix: Rational Common Licensing has been fixed so that inactive ClearQuest Web sessions are now released correctly according the the license time-out value as opposed to the higher web session time-out value.