2-Port 56Gb FDR PCIe x16 Adapter (FC: EC33, EC32, EL50, EL3D)




DATE: January 23, 2017 

Table of Contents


1.0 Microcode and Document Revision History

2.0 General information

3.0 Installation time

4.0 Machine's Affected

5.0 Linux Requirements



1.0 Microcode and Document Revision History

Firmware Level



Please refer to link



The Firmware Levels Below Are No Longer Supported By IBM Once They Have Been Removed From The Microcode Down Load Website.

It is best practices to update to the latest FW level not only for IBM support of these products, but for optimal performance and to ensure that all of the required HW/FW fixes are installed. Once new FW has been released to the field, we will provide a 6 month grace period for customers to update these products to the currently supported FW level .

Please Update To The Latest Level At Your Earliest Convenience


Please refer to link



Please refer to link



Please refer to link



Original release


Document Revision History



Creating readme file with latest microcode – 10.10.4050


Update level 10.100.6440


Update level 10.12.1100

( Note: this level is higher level than 10.100.6440 )


Update level 10.16.1006


Update level 10.16.1020



2.0 General information


This Readme file is intended to give directions on how to update the microcode found on the  2-Port 56 Gb FDR  Connect-IB  adapter (FC: EC33, EC32, EL50, EL3D).


Special Requirement:

Reboot of the OS is required.


Non-Concurrent Download:

The microcode installation does NOT support concurrent download.


NOTE: It is recommended that the installation be scheduled during a maintenance window or during non-peak production periods.


3.0 Installation time

Approximately 20 minutes.


4.0 Machine's Affected


Feature Codes EC33 ( High Profile) , EC32 ( Low Profile )

EL50  Linux Feature Code High Profile

EL3D  Linux Feature Code Low Profile





5.0 Linux Requirements

 Error! Bookmark not defined.

To burn FW for Connect-IB adapters here are the instructions (for Linux):




1. Start the MFT software suite by running “mst start” at the command line:

#mst start

Starting MST (Mellanox Software Tools) driver set

Loading MST PCI module - Success

Loading MST PCI configuration module - Success

Create devices


You can ignore the "unable to initialize libusb: -99" error.  This occurs on systems without a USB port present.


If the system does not have the mst command available, please install the Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) available here: http://www.mellanox.com/page/management_tools




2.  # mst status

MST modules:


    MST PCI module is not loaded

    MST PCI configuration module loaded


MST devices:


/dev/mst/mt4113_pciconf0         - PCI configuration cycles access.

                                   domain:bus:dev.fn=0000:01:00.0 addr.reg=88 data.reg=92

                                   Chip revision is: 00




3. Verify the current Firmware level with


flint -d /dev/mst/mt4113_pciconf0 q


# flint -d /dev/mst/mt4113_pciconf0 q

Image type:      FS3

FW Version:      10.16.1020

FW Release Date: 20.6.2016

Description:     UID                GuidsNumber  Step

Base GUID1:      f4521403002738c0        8        1

Base GUID2:      f4521403002738c8        8        1

Base MAC1:       0000f452142738c0        8        1

Base MAC2:       0000f452142738c8        8        1

Image VSD:

Device VSD:

PSID:            IBM1210111019

Orig PSID:       IBM1210110019



This command reveals the current version of the FW; which is 10.16.1020 in this particular case.  If the version is less than that, please update.

Please note the value for PSID.  This will determine which image is needed in later steps.





4. Download the firmware RPM file to the destination machine.


Use this method to download the new microcode to a Linux system:

NOTE: The instructions that follow are specific Linux commands. Linux commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.

  1. Transfer the RPM format file to the /tmp directory(using “Save as....”). You will see the filename for the RPM file. 
  2. Install rpm on your Linux system by typing:

rpm -ivh /tmp/fw-ConnectIB-rel-10_16_1020-00RX851_Ax.bin.Linux.rpm

  1. The microcode package will install the firmware images in the /lib/firmware directory. If a message is displayed saying the "package <package_name> is already installed", you will need to uninstall the listed rpm package. On the command line type:

rpm -e <package_name>

where <package_name> is the name of the package that was returned in the message. Return to Step 2 and attempt to install the file again.

  1. The microcode file will be installed to the /lib/firmware directory. The file name is fw-ConnectIB-rel-10_16_1020-00RX851_Ax.bin




5. Verify the contents of the image before flashing:

ls -l /lib/firmware/fw-ConnectIB-rel-10_16_1020-00RX851_Ax.bin to verify file size: 4190528


sum /lib/firmware/fw-ConnectIB-rel-10_16_1020-00RX851_Ax.bin to verify Checksum: 57736



6. Update the FW with "flint -d <device id> -i <image filename> burn"


     Using the device id from step 3: /dev/mst/mt4113_pciconf0



# flint -d  /dev/mst/mt4113_pciconf0 -i /lib/firmware/fw-ConnectIB-rel-10_16_1020-00RX851_Ax.bin burn



    Current FW version on flash:  10.12.1100

    New FW version:                   10.16.1020


    Note: The new FW version is not newer than the current FW version on flash.


 Do you want to continue ? (y/n) [n] : y



Burning FW image without signatures  - OK

Restoring signature                  - OK



7. At this point we have burned the new FW on to the Mellanox adapter. However, this FW will not take effect till the system is rebooted.

Reloading the drivers is not enough; it requires the system to be rebooted.