Contradictions and Outcomes

The check boxes in this column allows a user to select contradiction and outcome combinations.

There is a context menu available for the Contradictions/Outcome header:

Tabelle 1. Contradictions/Outcome Header Context Menu items
Name Beschreibung
Show Related Questions

This action filters out all questions whose answers are not used in all combinations of the selected Contradiction/Outcome, this allows a user to easily see the logic for that rule or set of rules. The header will remain highlighted if this option is selected.

Show All Questions

This action removes the filter set by the menu item 'Show Related Questions' described above and will remove the highlight of the column header.

Add Combination Allows a user to add a single combination column with empty check boxes to the outcome or contradiction. Dies entspricht einer Kombination von Antworten, die dieses Ergebnis generieren wird.
Delete Contradictions This menu item is available for the Contradictions column header only. Allows a user to delete the contradiction column and all combinations within the contradiction, of which there can be one or more.
Delete Outcome This menu item is available for the Outcome column header only. Allows a user to delete the outcome column and all combinations within the outcome, of which there can be one or more.

There is a context menu available for each Contradiction/Outcome Combination header:

Tabelle 2. Contradicions/Outcome Combination Header Context Menu items
Name Beschreibung
Show Related Questions

This action filters out all questions whose answers are not used in the selected combination, this allows a user to easily see the logic for that rule or set of rules. The header will remain highlighted if this option is selected.

Show All Questions

This action removes the filter set by the menu item 'Show Related Questions' described above and will remove the highlight of the column header.


This action copies a single combination column into memory, which can later be pasted into any outcome or contradiction. Dabei gilt, dass die neuere Kopie eine frühere Kopie von einer anderen Kombination überschreibt.

Insert Before

This action pastes a previously copied combination before the selected combination of the outcome or contradiction. Wenn keine Kombination zuvor kopiert wurde, ist diese Aktion deaktiviert.

Insert After

This action pastes a previously copied combination after the selected combination of the outcome or contradiction. Wenn keine Kombination zuvor kopiert wurde, ist diese Aktion deaktiviert.


This action deletes a single combination column from within an outcome or contradiction. If there is only one combination in the outcome or combination, removing the combination will remove the outcome or contradiction.

Set Message

This menu item is available for the Contradiction Combination header.

Jeder Widerspruchskombination kann eine Reihe von lokalisierten Meldungen zugewiesen werden, die den Grund für den Widerspruch erklären. Diese Gründe werden dem Benutzer angezeigt, wenn eine Entscheidung in Bezug auf die Bewertung getroffen wird.

This action displays the Edit Messages Pop-up window which allows a user to set localized messages for the defined languages.