Optional Rule Attributes

The following table describes the optional rule attributes that can be specified for each advice item rule class:

Table 1. Optional Rule Attributes.

This table describes the optional rule attributes that can be specified.

Rule Attribute Name

Attribute Type

caseID Number The purpose of this attribute is to allow the rules developer to specify if the advice item is related to a particular case. Advisor includes a special 'awareness' of cases and evidence facility. If a caseID is specified in this attribute, the advice item will be automatically linked to the case.
evidenceType CodeTableItem The purpose of this attribute is to allow the rules developer to specify if the advice item is related to a particular evidenceType on a particular case. It is important to note that unless a caseID has been specified, this attribute will be disregarded by Advisor processing. However, if this attribute is specified and if the caseID has also been specified, and if this advice Item is of category 'Issue' then this advice item will appear on the Issues list for the specified evidence type when viewing the case.
relatedID Number The purpose of this attribute is to allow the rules developer to specify if the advice item is related to a particular evidence record. Note that unless both a case and an evidence type are specified this attribute is disregarded by Advisor processing. However, if this attribute is specified and if a case and evidence type have also been specified, and if the advice Item is of type 'Issue' then this advice item will appear on the issues list for the specified evidence record when viewing the case.
expiryDateTime DateTime The date time upon which this advice expires. If a piece of advice is no longer applicable from a particular point in time, then this attribute is used to specify the date from which it becomes inapplicable. If this attribute is not specified, the advice is considered to be applicable until the showAdvice attribute described in Creating an Advice Item Rule Class evaluates to false.