Configuring Case, Service Plan, and Social Enterprise Folder Participants

There are numerous roles that clients can fill within cases, service plans, and social enterprise folders. Some of these roles are more significant than others, for example, the primary client of a product delivery case, the plan participant of a service plan. One of the main goals of the CCV is to provide a holistic view of a client; however, it might be information overload to display cases where the client's role is minimal. The CCV administrator can choose to display all cases, service plans, and social enterprise folders where the client fills any type of participant role. Alternatively, and the more logical choice where there are varying participant roles, the CCV administrator can define the participant roles reflected in the CCV.

The following sections describe the application properties for configuring the information displayed based on participant roles: Application Properties for Product Delivery Case Participant Roles, Application Properties for Integrated Case Participant Roles, Application Properties for Service Plan Participant Roles, Application Properties for Social Enterprise Folder Participant Roles.