
This batch process is used to generate pay slips for all the un-issued pay slips (Invoice based, Attendance based, Placement and Flat-Rate Contract) from the payslip table. The batch process uses the property 'curam.cpm.batch.generatepayslips.commitcountenabled' to determine whether the batch process must use the commit count for processing and the property 'curam.cpm.batch.generatepayslips.commitcount' to determine the number of records to be processed by the batch before the results are committed to the database. Both these properties are configured by the system administrator. This batch process would be scheduled to run after the financial batch processes 'GenerateInstructionLineItem' and 'GenerateInstruments' are run.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is GeneratePayslips.generateNewPayslips.