
This batch process is used to raise an event 'ROSTER.ROSTER_NOT_SUBMITTED_AFTER_DUE_DATE' on the day after the roster submission due date, if the roster has not yet been submitted, i.e., the roster is in 'Normal' state. The event 'ROSTER.ROSTER_NOT_SUBMITTED_AFTER_DUE_DATE' is used to send the notifications. The submission due date is calculated by adding the roster grace period to the last day of the roster period. The roster grace period is configured by the administrator for a service offering. Due to the nature of the batch job, it is expected that this batch run would be scheduled to coincide with the roster generation frequency. For example, if the roster generation frequency is monthly, and there is no roster grace period, then this batch job could be scheduled to be run the day after the last day of the roster period, i.e. the 1st of every month. If a number of different roster generation frequencies are in use, the batch could be run daily.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is RosterSubmissionDue.generateRosterNotification.