Issuing Meeting Minutes to Selected Meeting Attendees

The application property, curam.meetingminutes.issue , indicates whether or not meeting minutes should be issued to the selected meeting attendees, i.e., via an email. The default value of this property is 'YES' such that meeting minutes will be emailed to selected meeting attendees upon issue.

The default information that is included in the email is the meeting subject and location, date and time of the meeting, the social enterprise folder that the meeting relates to, and any meeting notes that have been recorded. The meeting minutes are attached as a PDF document in the email sent to meeting attendees.

If an email address is not defined for an invitee, the following informational is displayed informing the user issuing the minutes: "The minutes cannot be issued to %1s as they do not have a valid email address".

If this property is set to 'NO', meeting minutes will not be issued to any meeting attendees via email and the following informational is displayed: "Meeting minutes were not issued to the selected invitee(s) as the system administrator specified not to issue meeting minutes".