Show All Panels and Allow Modification

If Show All Panels is set to true for an Related Case Participant Cluster, then three panels are displayed in the Case Evidence Create page in respect of the Related Case Participant. If this property is set to false, then only the first panel is displayed.

Panel one allows the user to select an existing Case Participant, to associate it with the Case Evidence record currently being recorded.

Panel two provides the user with the ability to search for a Participant on the System.

Panel three presents the user with name, address and phone details fields to register a new participant (of type Representative).

The Allow Modification property value governs whether or not a Related Case Participant can be modified.

If Allow Modification is set to 'multiple', the case worker can always update the Related Case Participant Reference on the Case Evidence modify page.

If Allow Modification is set to 'single', if the Related Case Participant was not entered during the initial Case Evidence record creation, then it will be modifiable on the Case Evidence modify page, However, once the Related Case Participant has been set for the first time and saved (either as a result of a create or modify action), the current Related Case Participant name and age will subsequently be displayed in a label, and no further modification will be possible.

If Allow Modification is set to 'no', then the Related Case Participant value is mandatory on create and it cannot be modified subsequently. In this case a read-only 'name and age' label for the Related Case Participant is always displayed during in the modify page.