Extracted Artefacts


Codetables are extracted and saved in files with 'ctx' extensions. The files are written into a folder located in the destination component (see codetableDir input parameter). Each codetable is extracted into a separate file. Two codetables are extracted:

Entities (Database Tables):

Entities are extracted and saved in files with 'dmx' extension. There is one such file per entity. These files are written to the data manager folder located in the destination component (see datamanagerDir and dmxDir input parameters). Blob and clob records are extracted into external files and referenced from DMX files. Blob and clob files are saved into separate folders (named 'blob' and 'clob') located inside the dmxDir folder.

Section Configuration Files:

Section configurations are stored in the AppResource entity. Each section configuration may refer to multiple components which makes extraction via DMX files impossible. Instead, section configurations are extracted into section contribution files (with extension 'sec') and saved in the 'tab' folder (see tabDir input parameter).