Add Comments Attribute

Clicking on this button will add a Comments Attribute to the Dynamic Evidence Type Version. At runtime, for Comments Clusters in respect of such attributes, the case worker will see a multi-line free text comments field on the Case Evidence create and modify screens. In situations where this Attribute is being viewed, the text will be displayed as a label. Only one Comments Attribute can exist in respect of a Dynamic Evidence Type Version.

The following properties can be administered for Comments Attributes:

Table 1. Comments Attribute Properties
Property name Description
Attribute Name For Comments Attributes, the Attribute name is always defaulted to 'comments', which is a reserved identifier in the Dynamic Evidence Editor. This Attribute Name cannot be changed.
Mandatory This property setting indicates if the selected Comments Attribute should be considered Mandatory in Case Evidence creation and modify pages. If set, the caseworker must specify enter information into the Comments Field during creation or modification of Case Evidence records in respect of this Dynamic Evidence Type Version. Note that all Mandatory Attribute must appear in the User Interface!
Description This property configures a non-localizable Model description value for the selected Comments Attribute. This is for annotative purposes only, and is never displayed to the case worker at runtime.