
The following properties can be set in respect of Data Attributes with a data type of 'DateTime':

Table 1. DateTime Type Properties
Property name Description
Current Date Comparison This property setting will perform a validation against the the value specified by the case worker for this Date, to ensure that it is before, after, on or before, on or after to the current date time (note that it is not possible or sensible to check a DateTime for equality against the Current Date, and so 'equal to' has been removed from the list of available operators).
Custom Message To set a custom validation message, the administrator must set the Custom Message property. To set this property, select the radio button 'Current Date Comparison' and the search icon to the right of the "Custom Message" property should be clicked: this brings up the "Add Validation Message" dialog. For more details on Custom Validation Message, see the "Custom Validation Message" section below.