General properties

The General Properties section of the Dynamic Evidence Editors Model Tab contains the following properties:

Table 1. General Properties
Property name Description
Read only This property is used to configure an Evidence Type to be read only. It is possible to enable/disable create and modify operations for an evidence record associated with a read only defined evidence type.
Correction Only This property is used to indicate whether updates to an evidence record should be corrections only or whether successions should be allowed. If this property is set to true it will not be possible for the caseworker to create a succession to an associated evidence record. It is only be possible to make corrections to that evidence record. The 'Effective Date of Change' field is removed from the modify page for a record of such an evidence type.
Save and New This property is used to add a 'Save and New' button to a Case Evidence Create page in respect of this Dynamic Evidence Type. Clicking this button at runtime will:
  • Save the currently entered data onto the database but not dismiss the page, and
  • Blank all fields to allow the user to enter details for another Case Evidence record
Related CP Attribute The optional Related CP Attribute property can be set to one of the Related Case Participant Attributes defined for the current Dynamic Evidence Type Version, if any. If set, the participant attribute on the Evidence Descriptor record will be set to the selected Related Case Participant at runtime. If this property is not set, and the Dynamic Evidence Type has no Mandatory or Optional Parent relationships, the participant field on the Evidence Descriptor record will be set to the Primary Client of the Case. If this property is not set, and the Dynamic Evidence Type has at least one Mandatory or Optional Parent relationship, the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure will iterate up the parent hierarchy (Parent, Grandparent, etc.) until a suitable participant is identified.
Business Start Date The optional Business Start Date property can be set to one of the Data Attributes defined for the current Dynamic Evidence Type Version which has a Data Type of 'Date'. It is used by CER Rules Data Propagation to determine the start date from which to start propagating data for this Dynamic Evidence Type. See Eligibility and Entitlement Rule Sets for more information on Rules Data Propagation.
Business End Date The optional Business End Date property can be set to one of the Data Attributes defined for the current Dynamic Evidence Type Version which has a Data Type of 'Date'. It is used by CER Rules Data Propagation to determine the end date after which data should not be propagated for this Dynamic Evidence Type. See Eligibility and Entitlement Rule Sets for more information on Rules Data Propagation.
Create Dialog Width The optional Create Dialog Width property configures the display width in pixels of the Create page for this Dynamic Evidence Type Version; if not set, this property defaults to 600 pixels.
Modify Dialog Width The optional Modify Dialog Width property configures the display width in pixels of the Create page for this Dynamic Evidence Type Version; if not set, this property defaults to 600 pixels.
Calculated Attributes Rule Set Name The optional Calculated Attributes Rule Set Name property sets the name of the CER Rule Set to be used in the runtime evaluation of Calculated Attribute values. Note that whereas this is an optional property from the Dynamic Evidence Editor's perspective, if there are one or more Calculated Attributes defined for this Dynamic Evidence Type Version, then this property must be set in order to be able to activate the Dynamic Evidence Type Version. If set, this property must be the name of a valid CER Rule Set.
Description The optional Description property represents a non-localizable description for this Evidence Type Version. This property is for administrative annotation purposes only, and is neither used by the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure nor shown on case worker workspace Evidence screens at runtime.
Online Help This optional localizable property is used to display the description as Online Help text for the Case Evidence Create, Modify and View Pages in respect of this Dynamic Evidence Type at run time.