Standard Validations

The Validations tab of the Evidence Properties Panel, when opened, shows a list of all currently defined Standard Validations in respect of the current Dynamic Evidence Type Version. In this list is a column containing the type of the Validation, plus a column which provides a narrative of the Validation that will be executed at runtime. Standard Validations are typically defined in terms of Model Attributes in the current Dynamic Evidence Type Version.

From the Validations tab, two buttons control the creation and deletion of Standard Validations:

Also on the Validations Tab is a panel for Additional Validations. This panel allows the administrator to provide the name of a valid CER Validations Rule Set which will be executed at Case Evidence creation and modification time in addition to the list of Standard Validations. By default the radio button which indicates that there are no additional Validations defined for this Dynamic Evidence Type Version (labeled ' None ') is selected; when this is selected, the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure will not look for a CER Validation Rule Set to execute.

Selecting the other radio button (' Use Rule Set ') enables the ' Rule Set Name ' field on the ' Additional Validations ' panel. This free form text field allows administrators to specify a CER Rule Set to be used as a Validation Rule Set for this Dynamic Evidence Type Version; for more information, see Validation Rule Sets . If this field is filled in, it must contain the name of a valid CER Rule Set before this Dynamic Evidence Type Version can be activated.