Service Plan Outcomes

Table 1. List of Service Plan Outcomes
Name Description CCS CYS
Academic/Educational competence improved Participant has attained improvement in educational competence. Yes No
Accessibility needs are being met Accessibility issues due to disabilities are being addressed. Yes Yes
Alternative child care services provided Child care services (e.g. day care) are being provided for the participant. No Yes
Appropriate treatment services were provided Participant has received appropriate residential or specialized treatment as needed. Yes No
Communication needs are being met Exceptional communication needs (e.g. sign language & translation) are being met. Yes Yes
Complied with treatment services The participant is complying with the treatment service (e.g. counseling) as directed by the plan item. Yes Yes
Decreased likelihood of abuse The service identified by the plan item has noticeably decreased the risk factors associated with the abuse. Yes No
Diagnostic services completed Diagnostic evaluations and/or assessments has been completed but not submitted by the agency responsible for conducting the evaluation. Yes Yes
Diagnostic services report submitted Diagnostic evaluations and/or assessments have been submitted by the agency responsible for conducting the evaluation. No Yes
Education needs identified Education needs have been identified for a participant (e.g. via an Individualized Education Plan). Yes Yes
Education plan in place An individualized education plan has been created for the participant based on the unique needs of the participant. Yes Yes
Educational needs are being met The plan item has addressed or is addressing the educational needs of the participant for whom the plan item has been created. Yes Yes
Employment is attained and/or maintained Participant has successfully attained employment, completed employment training, or maintained employment. Yes No
Followed through on referral The participant followed through on a referral as part of the service plan, and is currently actively engaged in the activity. Yes Yes
Improved family functioning The service identified by the plan item has improved the family's functioning, including (but not limited to) communication skills and coping skills. Yes Yes
Improved individual functioning The service identified by the plan item has improved the individual client's functioning, including (but not limited to) communication skills and coping skills. Yes No
Increased coping skills The service identified by the plan item as improved the coping skills of the participant receiving treatment. Yes Yes
Psychological needs are being met The plan item has addressed or is addressing the psychological needs of the participant for whom the plan item has been created. Yes Yes
Reduce substance abuse The service identified by the plan item has reduced the participant's substance dependency. Yes Yes
Referral made A referral to an external provider was successfully made for the participant. Yes Yes
Safety issues addressed The safety issues that predicated the assignment of the plan item have been addressed. No Yes
School participation has increased Participant has attended education classes as prescribed by service plan or education plan. Yes No
Social needs are being met The plan item has addressed or is addressing the social needs of the participant for whom the plan item has been created. Yes Yes
Stable home environment The completed plan item has resulted in the creation of a safe and stable home environment for the participant. Yes Yes