Service Plan Sub-Goals

Table 1. List of Service Plan Sub-Goals
Name Description CCS CYS
Accessibility This sub-goal addresses accessibility issues or barriers specific to persons with disabilities, such as providing handicap accessible facilities or interpretation services. Yes Yes
Alternative Child Care The desire of this sub-goal is to identify situations where the parents (foster or biological) require some assistance to overcome a barrier and achieve permanency for the child - specifically temporary or long-term day care services. Some scenarios where this would be recommended would include job interviews, emergency respite care, etc. Yes No
Child and Adolescent Activities These could include voluntary and paid services, such as mentoring, tutoring and after school sports activities. The purpose of these activities is to maintain the proper nurturing environment for a child under the auspices of the organization. Yes Yes
Counseling/ Therapy As many, if not all, participant under the auspices of the organization require some sort of therapeutic services (as do many of the parents), this sub-goal is intended to capture plan items (or services) to address these needs, like art therapy, psychiatric counseling, etc. Yes Yes
Diagnostic Services To better understand the needs and requirements of the child and his/her family, this sub-goal allows the user to request third party evaluations of the person in question to identify their needs to achieve goals. Yes Yes
Domestic Violence In situations where the child is coming into focus due to situations of domestic violence, this sub-goal presents the user with activities/services that would be specific to families dealing with issues of domestic violence. Yes No
Education This sub-goal focuses on activities and services specifically related to the educational needs of a participant in the case. Yes Yes
Employment and Training This could include finding a job, maintaining job, employment training. No Yes
Family Support This could include family counseling, support groups, visitation supports. No Yes
Gang or Peer Group Intervention Services This could include support groups; specialized treatment and re-education skills training. No Yes
Home Management Services This sub-goal addresses issues associated with basic home management activities, such as cleaning the home, budgeting, etc. Yes No
Independent Living This sub-goal focuses on activities, life skills education, and services geared towards preparing a participant for independence. Yes Yes
Medical Care This sub-goal focuses on medical related activities, such as physical exams. Yes Yes
School Participation This could include regular attendance at school in community; in facility; in vocational training, alternative schools, or other education program. No Yes
Sex Offender Treatment Includes individual and specialized therapy which could be court ordered or determined as needed through evaluation process. No Yes
Substance Abuse This sub-goal focuses on treatment for substance addiction, abuse, or use. Yes Yes
Victim Related Services This includes Victim/Offender mediation. Other victim specific activities are managed via the case. No Yes