Assigning Decision Details Rules to a Product

In addition to assigning product structure rules, eligibility/entitlement rules, and key decision factors rules to products, an administrator can optionally assign one or more decision details rules to a product. Decision details rules are used to provide a user-friendly explanation of how eligibility and entitlement was determined, to assist the user in understanding the results of the execution of the eligibility and entitlement rule set. There are two steps to assigning decision details rules to products.

The first step is to configure the display categories for the product that specify how the information displayed to the user should be grouped and ordered when viewing the details of how a particular decision was determined. For example, the explanation of determination results may be grouped into a summary category, a household income category, and a medical expense category so that the user can view summary information first on one page followed by detailed information about how household income and medical expenses impacted a decision on subsequent pages. Each product can have multiple display categories associated with it.

The following table describes the configuration options that are available when adding a new display category to a product:

Table 1. Display Category Configuration Settings
Configuration Setting Description
Name The name of the display category. This name determines the label to be used on the page that explains the eligibility results.
Display Order This setting is used to specify the left to right order in which the page displaying the information for a category will appear. For example, if the Summary display category is set to 1, the page which displays Summary information for a decision will be displayed first.
Display Page This setting is used to specify the name of the .jsp page that is displayed for the category.
Category Reference The user entered reference number that represents this display category.

The second step is to associate appropriate decision details rule to the product period. For each decision details rule, this is done by selecting the display category page on which decision details will be displayed and then assigning the rules used to determine the information that is displayed for the category. An administrator must first select a display category from the drop-down list of categories associated with the product. The administrator must then search for the decision details rule by selecting the rule set to which it belongs from the Rule Set drop-down list. The appropriate decision details rule is selected from the list of rules displayed. Note that the rule sets that are available within the drop-down list must first be configured. For more information on configuring rule sets, see Configuring Rule Sets and Designing Rules.