Assigning a Product Period to a Product

Rules are assigned to products using product periods. Each product period defines the timeframe over which rule sets are applicable to the product, for example, the 2011 calendar year. Therefore, each product must have a product period associated with it in order to determine client eligibility and entitlement. An administrator can create one or more product periods for a product.

The following table describes the available product period configuration settings:

Table 1. Product Period Configuration Settings
Configuration Setting Description
Name The name of the product period. This field is mandatory.
Start Date This setting is used to determine the date from which the product period is effective. This field is mandatory. The start date defaults to the current date on which the product period is created.
End Date The date to which the product period is effective. Note that if no product periods assigned to a product have an effective date that covers the lifetime of the product delivery case, the system will only determine eligibility up to the end date specified by the latest product period. For example, a product delivery case has a case start date of January 1, 2011 and an expected end date of Dec 31, 2011, and its associated product has only one product period with an end date of November 1, 2011. The system will determine eligibility for the client up to November. From November 1, 2011, the following decision will be displayed at the case level: Eligibility Could Not Be Determined.
Product Structure Rule This setting is used to assign the Product Structure rule set that defines what objectives and objective tags a client is potentially entitled to receive to the product. This field is mandatory. The administrator searches for the product structure rule by selecting the rule set to which it belongs from the Rule Set drop-down list. The product structure rule is selected from the list of rules displayed. Note that the rule sets that are available within the drop-down list must first be configured. For more information on configuring rule sets, see Configuring Rule Sets and Designing Rules.
Eligibility/Entitlement Rule The setting is used to assign the Eligibility/Entitlement rule set that is used to determine client eligibility and entitlement to the product. This setting is mandatory. An eligibility/entitlement rule set must be assigned to the product over a period of time that covers the lifetime of the product delivery case in order for client eligibility to be determined. For any periods of time for which there is no eligibility/entitlement rule set assigned, the following decision will be displayed at the case level: Eligibility Could Not Be Determined. The administrator must search for the eligibility/entitlement rule by selecting the rule set to which it belongs from the Rule Set drop-down list. The appropriate eligibility/entitlement rule is selected from the list of rules displayed. Note that the rule sets that are available within the drop-down list must first be configured. For more information on configuring rule sets see Configuring Rule Sets and Designing Rules.
Key Decision Factors Rule This setting is used to assign the Key Decision Factors rule set that is used to extract information about the significant factors that were involved in determining a client's eligibility to the product. This setting is optional. These decision factors will be displayed in the graphical representation of the determination displayed at the case level. The administrator must search for the key decision factors rule by selecting the rule set to which it belongs from the Rule Set drop-down list. The appropriate key decision factors rule is selected from the list of rules displayed. Note that the rule sets that are available within the drop-down list must first be configured. For more information on configuring rule sets, see Configuring Rule Sets and Designing Rules.