Associating Evidence Types With Cases

Each evidence type is associated with an integrated case type or product delivery case type. If the evidence type is to be managed at the integrated case level, it is associated with an integrated case type where it can be captured on the integrated case at the case level and also reused by any product deliveries within that integrated case. Note that if the evidence type is to be managed from a standalone product delivery case, it is associated with the product governing that case.

The following table describes the available configuration options for associating a dynamic evidence type with an integrated case type or product delivery case type:

Table 1. Evidence Association Configuration Settings
Configuration Setting Description
Evidence Type This setting allows the administrator to select the pre-configured evidence type to be associated with the case type.
Category This setting allows the administrator to select an evidence category to which the evidence type belongs. For example, the 'Earned Income' evidence type belongs to the 'Income' evidence category. The evidence categories available for selection are associated with the EvidenceCategory code table. A new evidence category can be added to this code table and published as part of system administration. To provide flexibility, the same evidence type can belong to multiple categories. For example, the 'Earned Income' evidence type can belong to the 'Income' evidence category and the 'Household' evidence category. These evidence categories are displayed within the evidence workspace and are used to define the subset of evidence types that can be captured on a case. Each category is available as a filter option when a case worker captures new evidence for that evidence type within the evidence workspace. For example, when capturing new evidence, a case worker can filter the Category drop-down list by 'All'. The system automatically displays all evidence types that are associated with any category within administration.
Sort Order This setting is used to dictate the order in which the evidence type is listed within the evidence workspace. For example, the sort order for the Pension Fund evidence type is set to 1 and the sort order for the 'Real Estate' evidence type is set to 2. When a case worker views the evidence types for a category in order to create new evidence within the evidence workspace, the Pension Fund evidence type is listed first and the Real Estate evidence type is listed second. If no sort order is specified, the evidence types are listed in alphabetical order. Note that by default, evidence types are listed in alphabetical order.
Quick Link This setting is used to dictate if the evidence type is to be available as a 'Preferred' filter option in the evidence workspace. For example, if this setting is enabled for the 'Earned Income' evidence type, the 'Earned Income' evidence type is returned when a case worker selects the 'Preferred' category filter option when capturing new evidence.