
This chapter describes the configuration options that are specific to products. A product can be a benefit that the agency provides to clients, a liability that the agency bills to clients or businesses, or a payment correction that the agency uses to correct over and underpayments issued to clients in respect of payments or bills. Product configuration includes the creation of benefit products and liability products.

Benefit and liability product configuration is extensive. To simplify the configuration process, the application provides a product wizard that allows administrators to easily create benefit and liability products. Each step in the wizard represents an important category of information that must be configured for each product. This chapter describes the configuration options that can be set for both benefit and liability products using the product wizard as well as specific settings that apply to benefit products only and liability products only.

Once products are configured, rules are assigned to them to determine eligibility and entitlement for the cases they govern. For more information on assigning rules to products, see Assigning Rules to Products . This chapter also describes payment correction product configuration, the configuration options available for bonus payments, product time constraints, and absence reasons, and the configuration of products which are used to deliver a service.