Access to the JMX Statistics

The JMX statistics can be downloaded as a compressed XML file by accessing the URL /Curam/ or /Curam/ . The JMX statistics are only collected for the application server specified in the URL.

To reset the JMX statistics access /Curam/

The JMX statistics are packaged as an XML file within a ZIP archive file. This archive contains the XML file with the JMX statistics (JMXStats.xml) and an associated XSL style sheet document (JMXStats.xsl). To visualize the statistics unzip the two files on your file system and open the XML file with a browser that supports rendering XML files using XSL style sheets (any modern browser has this capability).

Access to the JMX statistics is controlled using two dynamic application properties:

Note for SAP NetWeaver: The username specified for curam.jmx.download_statistics_username must be assigned the Administrator role in NetWeaver's User Management Engine.
Note for IBM WebSphere: The "ALL AUTHENTICATED" special subject must be assigned the "Monitor" and "Operator" roles in order to be able to collect and download Cúram JMX statistics. From the WebSphere administrative console click on the Users and Groups menu and from the Administrative group roles add the "Monitor" and "Operator" roles to the special subject "ALL AUTHENTICATED".

A more secure alternative is to assign the "Monitor" and "Operator" roles to the user configured to download the statistics. The drawback is that this user bypasses the Cúram login module and it has to be managed inside WebSphere's user registry. Assuming that the configured username is sysadmin, follow these steps:

  1. Add the sysadmin user to the list of excluded usernames for the Cúram login module. For each resource configured with this login module (DEFAULT, RMI_INBOUND and WEB_INBOUND in Global security > JAAS - System logins) click on the entry and add to the exclude_usernames list the sysadmin username.
  2. Add the sysadmin user to the WebSphere's user registry and assign it the "Monitor" and "Operator" roles. In WebSphere administrative console navigate to Users and Groups > Manage Users and define the sysadmin user. Then from Users and Groups > Administrative user roles assign the "Monitor" and "Operator" roles to sysadmin.
To download the JMX statistics, ensure that curam.jmx.download_statistics_allowed is set to true , log in as the user specified in curam.jmx.download_statistics_username and visit the URL <server>:<port>/Curam/ or <server>:<port>/Curam/ where <server> is the host name of the application server whose JMX statistics are to be downloaded and <port> is the port number for your application.