Evidence Mapping Workspace Tab

An evidence mapping workspace tab can be opened for each entity represented in the Datastore Entity Tree, irrespective of whether it is a parent or child entity. The tab name will be that of the datastore panel selected. When initially opened the workspace tab displays the selected datastore entity in the main area of the tab. The entity consists of a title bar and an attribute tree. In order to differentiate it from an evidence entity, the datastore entity has a different colored title bar and an icon within the title bar to represent a datastore entity.

The parent datastore entity cannot be removed from the mapping workspace tab as it is specifically linked to the workspace tab.

The entity's internal tree lists its child entities in the same order as specified in the Datastore Entity Tree. In contrast to the Datastore Entity Tree, the internal entity tree displays attributes. Each item has an associated icon indicating if it is a child entity or an attribute.