Define a Decision Matrix

The decision matrix is the mechanism by which the assessment results are calculated. The organization should consider the following when configuring a decision matrix for assessments:

The following tables show examples of a simple decision matrix with and without scoring:

Table 1. Sample Values for a Decision Matrix With Scoring
Question Answer Score Outcome
Are any of the adults in the family unemployed? True -1 Employment
  False 1 Employment
What best describes your child care situation? Child care not needed 0 Child Care
  Child care unaffordable -2 Child Care
  Child care unavailable -1 Child Care
  Child care is subsidized 1 Child Care
What best describes your transportation situation? Own mode of transport available 1 Transportation
  Public transport available but unaffordable -1 Transportation
  Public transport available and affordable 0 Transportation
Table 2. Sample Values for a Decision Matrix Without Scoring
Question Answer Outcome
Are any of the adults in the family unemployed? True Employment - Low
  False Employment - High
What best describes your child care situation? Child care not needed Child Care - Medium
  Child care unaffordable Child Care - Critical
  Child care unavailable Child Care - Low
  Child care is subsidized Child Care - High
What best describes your transportation situation? Own mode of transport available Transportation - High
  Public transport available but unaffordable Transportation - Low
  Public transport available and affordable Transportation - Medium