Summary of Discussion Configuration Options

The following table provides a summary of the discussion application properties.

Table 1. Summary of Discussion Application Properties
Application Property Summary
curam.ise.sef.userDefinedModerator This is used to configure the default type of discussion moderator. The default value is CASEOWNER which means that the moderator of all discussions in a social enterprise folder, outcome plan and investigation is the caseowner. If this property is set to USERDEFINED, then the username must be configured in the next application property, curam.ise.sef.discussionsModerator .
curam.ise.sef.discussionsModerator This is used to specify a user at the default moderator for discussions on a social enterprise folder, outcome plan and investigation. It is set in conjunction with the above application property, curam.ise.sef.userDefinedModerator , when set to USERDEFINED.
curam.ise.discussion.paginate This determines whether or not discussions will be paginated. The default is 'YES'.
curam.ise.discussion.commentsPerPage This determines how many comments to show per page on the paginated discussions widget. The default is '5'.
curam.ise.discussion.viewURL This specifies the address of Discussion view page. It is used when sending links to Cúram pages in email notifications. The default is Discussion_viewDiscussion.
curam.discussion.stopWatching This specifies the address of stop watching discussion page. It is used when sending links to Cúram pages in email notifications. The default is Discussion_stopWatchingFromEmail.
curam.discussion.sendEmailNotifications This specifies whether or not email notifications should be sent to watchers when discussion updates occur. The default is NO.