Zoom Level

The initial zoom level of the Google Maps display can be configured using the system property curam.citizenworkspace.triage.map.default.zoom.level. Zoom levels between 0 (the lowest zoom level in which the entire world can be seen on one map) to 21+ (where individual buildings can be seen) are possible. The default value for this property is 12.

The zoom level of the map also effects whether icons displayed are useful or not i.e. displaying icons when an entire country is displayed on the map will not help a citizen find an appropriate provider close to them. The system property curam.citizenworkspace.triage.map.min.zoom.level.display.pins is provided which dictates the zoom level at which icons will no longer be displayed. This can be set to a value between 0 and +21. For example, if this is set to 0 (world view), icons are displayed at all zoom levels. If it is not set, icons will always be displayed. The default value for this setting is 8. If a citizen zooms to a level that no longer allows icons to be displayed, a message can be displayed to the citizen informing them that they must zoom in to see icons. The curam.citizenworkspace.triage.map.show.message.min.zoom.passed system property is provided to dictate if this message is displayed or not i.e. it works in conjunction with curam.citizenworkspace.triage.map.min.zoom.level.display.pins. The default value for this property is 'YES'.